Holistic Medicine For Women
Holistic medicine is a type of medicine that considers the entire person as a whole when treating a disease. Instead of concentrating on an individual body part, holistic medicine focuses on the entire human body including the connection between the mind and body. A practitioner of holistic medicine treats the body as a group of parts interdependent on each other, and the focus is on wellness. So when a patient visits a holistic clinic, the doctor will try to get to the root of what is causing the problem instead of just prescribing medications. These could include investigation of lifestyle, dietary habits, stress, personal problems, emotional issues, fitness level etc. It is more about disease prevention and health maintenance.
According to the American Holistic Medical Association, the following are principles of Holistic Medicine:
1. Optimal Health - The primary goal of Holistic medicine is to attain complete emotional, mental, social, and physical well being. There are many branches, and almost any condition can be treated with this approach. For example, Holistic gynecology deals with all gynecological and women's health related issues including pap smears, mammograms, pelvic ultrasounds, STD screening, PMS, and Infertility etc.
2. Whole Person - View people as a combination of body, mind, and spirit.
3. Innate Healing Power - All human beings have an intrinsic power to heal themselves.
4. Relationship Centric Care - Patient and practitioner have a special relationship, and both parties need to be able to express their opinions comfortably.
5. Individuality - Each person is different, and care should be dependent on the everyone's individual needs.
6. Prevention & Treatment - Care is focused on making the body stronger and immune to stress, disease,and infections. The primary goal is complete health.
Holistic Women Care is an exclusive women's health clinic in Miami. They are dedicated to providing women of all ages with a natural, safe and holistic approach to healthcare and well being. They offer diagnosis and treatment for a variety of conditions including STD's, Menopause, other hormonal disorders, cervical dysplasia test, colposcopy, infertility, pelvic pain, thyroid disorders, osteoporosis, weight management, urine testing and more.
If you are looking for laser hair removal in Miami, then you can check out the Elite Laser System available at Holistic Women Care. The innovative Cynosure Elite laser combines two different laser wavelengths in one system, allowing practitioners to target and remove on any type of skin, on any part of the body. For more information about this holistic gynecology clinic for women, visit http://www.holisticwomencare.com.
According to the American Holistic Medical Association, the following are principles of Holistic Medicine:
1. Optimal Health - The primary goal of Holistic medicine is to attain complete emotional, mental, social, and physical well being. There are many branches, and almost any condition can be treated with this approach. For example, Holistic gynecology deals with all gynecological and women's health related issues including pap smears, mammograms, pelvic ultrasounds, STD screening, PMS, and Infertility etc.
2. Whole Person - View people as a combination of body, mind, and spirit.
3. Innate Healing Power - All human beings have an intrinsic power to heal themselves.
4. Relationship Centric Care - Patient and practitioner have a special relationship, and both parties need to be able to express their opinions comfortably.
5. Individuality - Each person is different, and care should be dependent on the everyone's individual needs.
6. Prevention & Treatment - Care is focused on making the body stronger and immune to stress, disease,and infections. The primary goal is complete health.
Holistic Women Care is an exclusive women's health clinic in Miami. They are dedicated to providing women of all ages with a natural, safe and holistic approach to healthcare and well being. They offer diagnosis and treatment for a variety of conditions including STD's, Menopause, other hormonal disorders, cervical dysplasia test, colposcopy, infertility, pelvic pain, thyroid disorders, osteoporosis, weight management, urine testing and more.
If you are looking for laser hair removal in Miami, then you can check out the Elite Laser System available at Holistic Women Care. The innovative Cynosure Elite laser combines two different laser wavelengths in one system, allowing practitioners to target and remove on any type of skin, on any part of the body. For more information about this holistic gynecology clinic for women, visit http://www.holisticwomencare.com.