The Limitation Of Science In Dealing With Ultimate Reality
As Beings, the conventional mind only sees interpretations of Ultimate Reality.
Why is this so? This is because, firstly, sensory data are interpretations (manifested form) of reality. Why are they interpretations and are not the direct experiencing of it (reality)? To illustrate this point let's consider the perception of 2 persons: a color-blind person and one with normal vision. The color-blind person may see images differently from one who is not. So... who is seeing the truth? None. Both are seeing interpretations (manifested form) of the truth. Likewise animals may see and sense things differently from humans.
Sensory data that are being perceived are in turn cognated by the conventional mind. Again, the conventional mind sees interpretations collected by sensory perception. From the sensory data, the conventional mind conceives the information into things, environments and people, etc.
Here's a simplified example to illustrate this point:
By differentiating the changes in colours on the vision sight, the conventional mind cognate edges. Perceiving that the edges are connected, an enclosed area becomes recognised. Next, the enclosed area become perceived as objects, things, entities...
The conventional mind can only theorizes from its interpretations. Science is based on the theory and concepts derived from the conventional mind.
Science is just that... conceptual framework for understanding the dynamics of Ultimate Reality... But it can only theorizes using concepts.
To truly experience Ultimate must go beyond thinking (which is theorising) about Reality. We must experience it directly.
From the way that I have written, some people might have the misconceptions that the Source(Reality) is separated from us. This is clearly not so. It is only the conventional discriminating mind that think in terms of separation and duality. However, the conventional discriminating mind itself is not an entity, but is just the dualistic function of cognition.
For your necessary discernment. Thank you for reading.
Why is this so? This is because, firstly, sensory data are interpretations (manifested form) of reality. Why are they interpretations and are not the direct experiencing of it (reality)? To illustrate this point let's consider the perception of 2 persons: a color-blind person and one with normal vision. The color-blind person may see images differently from one who is not. So... who is seeing the truth? None. Both are seeing interpretations (manifested form) of the truth. Likewise animals may see and sense things differently from humans.
Sensory data that are being perceived are in turn cognated by the conventional mind. Again, the conventional mind sees interpretations collected by sensory perception. From the sensory data, the conventional mind conceives the information into things, environments and people, etc.
Here's a simplified example to illustrate this point:
By differentiating the changes in colours on the vision sight, the conventional mind cognate edges. Perceiving that the edges are connected, an enclosed area becomes recognised. Next, the enclosed area become perceived as objects, things, entities...
The conventional mind can only theorizes from its interpretations. Science is based on the theory and concepts derived from the conventional mind.
Science is just that... conceptual framework for understanding the dynamics of Ultimate Reality... But it can only theorizes using concepts.
To truly experience Ultimate must go beyond thinking (which is theorising) about Reality. We must experience it directly.
From the way that I have written, some people might have the misconceptions that the Source(Reality) is separated from us. This is clearly not so. It is only the conventional discriminating mind that think in terms of separation and duality. However, the conventional discriminating mind itself is not an entity, but is just the dualistic function of cognition.
For your necessary discernment. Thank you for reading.