Who Can Obtain a Duplicate Birth Certificate of a Child Under 16 Years of Age?
- If you are a parent listed on the birth certificate, you may request a duplicate copy of your child's birth certificate. In cases of adoption, the original birth certificate may not be accessed without a court order. Adoptive parents may acquire a copy of the child's amended birth certificate.
- Several states, including New Mexico and Texas, allow the immediate family of a child to obtain a birth certificate copy. An immediate family member refers to a sibling or a grandparent, as well as the mother and father.
- In states such as Florida and Illinois, a child under the age of 18 years old may obtain a copy of his own birth certificate if he has been legally emancipated. A court order proving emancipation must be provided with the birth certificate request.
- A legal guardian of the child may request a duplicate copy of a birth certificate. Official court documents showing guardianship must be submitted with the request.
Immediate Family
Emancipated Child
Legal Guardian