My Review for Go Discount Travel
There have been times in my life when I did not take someone's advice and I regretted it. I had been told by many people not to get believe what I had read for go discount travel when I told them about it. Everyone was sure that it was a scam and I would be taken for a lot of money. I figured though, that sometimes in life you have to take risks. How could someone take my money, if I didn't give it to them? Even though I had heard so many negative things about Go Discount Travel I decided to give it a try and go through with it anyway, and I am so happy I did.
I found go discount travel when searching the internet for discount travel agencies. Their website said they were giving away free travel gifts to people that qualified. The qualification was simple, have a valid state ID and a credit card in your name. It was the credit card part that had my friends all worried. However, they just glanced at my credit card, and I didn't even have to hand it over to them. I had to sign up for, and attend, a 90-minute presentation.
I decided to go for it. I reserved my seat, confirmed I would be there, and went to the presentation. Everyone told me this was where I would be swindled, and end up paying for something I would never see. They were so wrong! The presentation talked about how the travel industry is suffering from the poor economy. They were making every effort to get more business. One of the ways was to offer free travel incentives, hoping to lure people back to traveling.
The presentation also gave information on finding discount airfare and hotel rooms. They gave some great tips on ways to make y our trip more enjoyable and stress-free. I especially liked the tips on packing; what to bring and how to fit it all in one suitcase.
The host was very friendly, offered refreshments, and asked if we had any questions. He wanted to be sure that everyone understood the offer, why it was being offered, and how to travel for the most enjoyment. After the presentation, I waited my turn for the gift. I had chosen two free round-trip airline tickets. I received a voucher for the tickets that could be used for up to one year. There were no blackout dates, it was for a number of airlines, and could be anywhere in the continental U.S.I had no trouble getting the flight I wanted. The airline took the voucher, gave me the tickets, and it was a done deal. I had a great flight; I was treated like any other traveler. How I got the tickets meant nothing to anyone but me.
I would definitely recommend to anyone. They are what they say they are, and do what they say they are going to do.
I found go discount travel when searching the internet for discount travel agencies. Their website said they were giving away free travel gifts to people that qualified. The qualification was simple, have a valid state ID and a credit card in your name. It was the credit card part that had my friends all worried. However, they just glanced at my credit card, and I didn't even have to hand it over to them. I had to sign up for, and attend, a 90-minute presentation.
I decided to go for it. I reserved my seat, confirmed I would be there, and went to the presentation. Everyone told me this was where I would be swindled, and end up paying for something I would never see. They were so wrong! The presentation talked about how the travel industry is suffering from the poor economy. They were making every effort to get more business. One of the ways was to offer free travel incentives, hoping to lure people back to traveling.
The presentation also gave information on finding discount airfare and hotel rooms. They gave some great tips on ways to make y our trip more enjoyable and stress-free. I especially liked the tips on packing; what to bring and how to fit it all in one suitcase.
The host was very friendly, offered refreshments, and asked if we had any questions. He wanted to be sure that everyone understood the offer, why it was being offered, and how to travel for the most enjoyment. After the presentation, I waited my turn for the gift. I had chosen two free round-trip airline tickets. I received a voucher for the tickets that could be used for up to one year. There were no blackout dates, it was for a number of airlines, and could be anywhere in the continental U.S.I had no trouble getting the flight I wanted. The airline took the voucher, gave me the tickets, and it was a done deal. I had a great flight; I was treated like any other traveler. How I got the tickets meant nothing to anyone but me.
I would definitely recommend to anyone. They are what they say they are, and do what they say they are going to do.