Directions for Use of a Portable Breathalyzer
- Breathalyzers are to be used after consumption of alcohol. The testing procedure is very simple. Insert the mouthpiece into your mouth. Blow into it for 5 seconds. The instrument uses sensors to measure air in the lungs. These sensors can determine alcohol levels present and provide a reading expressed as Blood Alcohol Percentages (%BAC). The BAC percentage is displayed immediately after you breathe into the device. A beep indicates that the reading is ready. The set is displayed as a digital percentage number.
- For best results, make sure to take the test at least 15 minutes after the last drop of alcohol and the last morsel of food has been consumed. Since the test uses the air in the lungs to measure precise alcohol levels, having alcohol or food in your mouth at the time of the test may interfere with an accurate reading.
- Measuring a person's blood alcohol levels has a measure of subjectivity, and it is not possible to determine exactly what levels are dangerous or whether a breathalyzer is a 100-percent accurate representation of your ability to drive safely. Factors such as age, gender, body mass and weight, the type of drink consumed, the food that was eaten with it and so on can all affect a blood alcohol level reading.
How to Use
When to Take
Evaluating the Results