Social Networking With Lotus Connections 2
Facebook is one of the fastest growing social networking sites in the world.
It has garnered over 200 million users to date and shows no sign of slowing down.
Facebook serves many purposes for many people.
It began as a way for college students to stay in touch.
They could share information about each other, let each other know what they are doing, what they like and dislike.
It even became somewhat of a dating service.
Facebook is the ultimate contact manager and networking tool.
However, it isn't a suitable environment for businesses to conduct themselves.
Given the success of Facebook, it is only reasonable to explore a similar environment in the business world.
Lotus Connections 2 is the Facebook for the business world.
It contains everything you need to develop your own version of the infamous social network site.
Lotus Connections offers you the ability to create customized corporate experience.
Using your own logos and design, the site becomes an extension of your own corporate identity.
Users enter through a portal or home page from which they can link to the various components of the network.
A profile system makes finding co-workers with the organization easy.
Communities are established based on common interest or project assignment.
Blogs can be managed within the system updating others on projects or for a wide range of other uses.
Connections maintains a built in task management system for groups as well.
Unlike customer management systems such as the MS CRM application, Connections offers an internal system of contacting, managing, maintaining and growing coworker relations.
Using two separate applications guarantees separation of internal activity from customer management.
Many employees appreciate the virtual space within which they can foster stronger business relationships.
Colleagues that can easily interact with each other are more likely to experience increased productivity.
Setup and management is easy with plenty of support using Lotus Connections 2.
0 Infocenter.
IBM provides you with an expanse of information via this dedicated web space.
There is little difficulty in getting the answers to set up and ongoing management of your Connections space.
You can proceed at your own pace, activating areas as you need them.
Although you will probably have people to provide tech support for your Connections installations, the depth of the Infocenter can fill gaps and empower the technological do-it-yourselfer.
Facebook exploded on the scene and quickly attracted millions of users.
There is something to be said for this platform.
Lotus Connections is your business's own internal networking system.
It has garnered over 200 million users to date and shows no sign of slowing down.
Facebook serves many purposes for many people.
It began as a way for college students to stay in touch.
They could share information about each other, let each other know what they are doing, what they like and dislike.
It even became somewhat of a dating service.
Facebook is the ultimate contact manager and networking tool.
However, it isn't a suitable environment for businesses to conduct themselves.
Given the success of Facebook, it is only reasonable to explore a similar environment in the business world.
Lotus Connections 2 is the Facebook for the business world.
It contains everything you need to develop your own version of the infamous social network site.
Lotus Connections offers you the ability to create customized corporate experience.
Using your own logos and design, the site becomes an extension of your own corporate identity.
Users enter through a portal or home page from which they can link to the various components of the network.
A profile system makes finding co-workers with the organization easy.
Communities are established based on common interest or project assignment.
Blogs can be managed within the system updating others on projects or for a wide range of other uses.
Connections maintains a built in task management system for groups as well.
Unlike customer management systems such as the MS CRM application, Connections offers an internal system of contacting, managing, maintaining and growing coworker relations.
Using two separate applications guarantees separation of internal activity from customer management.
Many employees appreciate the virtual space within which they can foster stronger business relationships.
Colleagues that can easily interact with each other are more likely to experience increased productivity.
Setup and management is easy with plenty of support using Lotus Connections 2.
0 Infocenter.
IBM provides you with an expanse of information via this dedicated web space.
There is little difficulty in getting the answers to set up and ongoing management of your Connections space.
You can proceed at your own pace, activating areas as you need them.
Although you will probably have people to provide tech support for your Connections installations, the depth of the Infocenter can fill gaps and empower the technological do-it-yourselfer.
Facebook exploded on the scene and quickly attracted millions of users.
There is something to be said for this platform.
Lotus Connections is your business's own internal networking system.