You Were Not Put on This Earth to Fail
It all started a long long time ago when we were just beginning to get a glimpse of who we were and who we were about to become.
It was one of those moments that made time stand still.
I was there and I believe you were there as well.
In fact I know I saw your smile across the sea of faces.
Your eyes were huge with awe and anticipation.
Surely you recall, it was the day the gifts were passed out.
I saw dancers receive their rhythm and the singers their velvet voice.
The artists acquired their gift of sight to see that which was not even imagined yet! The writers accepted a deposit of rhyming words, adjectives, antonyms, and verbs! Oh what a day this was through out the universe! People were being equipped with the blueprints of who they were and all that they were to be.
They apprehended times, dates and destinies! There was celestial celebration for all who were in attendance.
Each soul knew only they could carry out their mission with the unique finesse they possessed.
There was no competition only completion.
They knew the value of their gift and with great elation received it to be cherished and developed.
No one ever imagined that their gift would be placed upon a shelf for that act in itself would bring great darkness to the earth and grief to the Gift Giver.
I can not tell you the exact date the day of darkness fell, for that day was not the same for all.
It seemed there was an architect of this terrible time.
I know I saw him slither in and out of the community.
He actually seemed to know some of the souls already.
He had covered them with his fraudulent fragrance of pity and they seemed to have a relationship with him that was one of submission.
How this had transpired I could only guess, for it seemed to have been brewing for awhile.
One time I did see the weapon he held beneath his cloak of heaviness.
He brandished it proudly whenever he came upon an unsuspecting soul.
When he wielded this weapon the victim did not draw back from the armament but instead they took it into their hands and pulled it toward themselves as if they had been expecting this encounter all along! The ammunition they held with reverence as if they valued it more than the gift they had been given long ago.
This weapon there of I speak was his calling card and inscribed upon it one word only: FEAR.
Once the unsuspecting soul had taken his card, he had access to them in the night time hours and whispered thoughts of inadequacy, doom and defeat.
He eventually got them to take their gift and lay it on his altar of neglect.
No longer would the once ambitious soul dance, sing, create, write or even recall that day they were commissioned to inspire the earth.
How had this visitor of darkness won so easily? By all appearances he had lured the souls to give up their gift and in doing so they had surrendered their destiny.
They could not even retrieve from their memory the words the Gift Giver had delivered to each of them: "You were not put on this earth to fail"! Has the future of the planet been compromised? Why have so many creative geniuses hidden themselves and tucked their work away in the attic? Why is their gift laying dormant when all of creation is waiting to see, hear and feel the message only they can impart the way they were designed to deliver? The predawn hours of the day are beckoning you to write! The changes of the seasons are pleading for your art! The political unrest is demanding for an uprising of expression! Why do you sit in fear and not let your voice be heard? The visitor of darkness has tricked you.
You have set aside your revolver of revolution! Take up your gift! The dread will dissipate as you dance.
The worry will weaken as you write! The pressure will pale as you perform! You were born for such a time as this.
Come forth free of intimidation.
The Gift Giver has not forgotten you.
You have everything you need to succeed.
The only way you can fail is if you give up.
It was one of those moments that made time stand still.
I was there and I believe you were there as well.
In fact I know I saw your smile across the sea of faces.
Your eyes were huge with awe and anticipation.
Surely you recall, it was the day the gifts were passed out.
I saw dancers receive their rhythm and the singers their velvet voice.
The artists acquired their gift of sight to see that which was not even imagined yet! The writers accepted a deposit of rhyming words, adjectives, antonyms, and verbs! Oh what a day this was through out the universe! People were being equipped with the blueprints of who they were and all that they were to be.
They apprehended times, dates and destinies! There was celestial celebration for all who were in attendance.
Each soul knew only they could carry out their mission with the unique finesse they possessed.
There was no competition only completion.
They knew the value of their gift and with great elation received it to be cherished and developed.
No one ever imagined that their gift would be placed upon a shelf for that act in itself would bring great darkness to the earth and grief to the Gift Giver.
I can not tell you the exact date the day of darkness fell, for that day was not the same for all.
It seemed there was an architect of this terrible time.
I know I saw him slither in and out of the community.
He actually seemed to know some of the souls already.
He had covered them with his fraudulent fragrance of pity and they seemed to have a relationship with him that was one of submission.
How this had transpired I could only guess, for it seemed to have been brewing for awhile.
One time I did see the weapon he held beneath his cloak of heaviness.
He brandished it proudly whenever he came upon an unsuspecting soul.
When he wielded this weapon the victim did not draw back from the armament but instead they took it into their hands and pulled it toward themselves as if they had been expecting this encounter all along! The ammunition they held with reverence as if they valued it more than the gift they had been given long ago.
This weapon there of I speak was his calling card and inscribed upon it one word only: FEAR.
Once the unsuspecting soul had taken his card, he had access to them in the night time hours and whispered thoughts of inadequacy, doom and defeat.
He eventually got them to take their gift and lay it on his altar of neglect.
No longer would the once ambitious soul dance, sing, create, write or even recall that day they were commissioned to inspire the earth.
How had this visitor of darkness won so easily? By all appearances he had lured the souls to give up their gift and in doing so they had surrendered their destiny.
They could not even retrieve from their memory the words the Gift Giver had delivered to each of them: "You were not put on this earth to fail"! Has the future of the planet been compromised? Why have so many creative geniuses hidden themselves and tucked their work away in the attic? Why is their gift laying dormant when all of creation is waiting to see, hear and feel the message only they can impart the way they were designed to deliver? The predawn hours of the day are beckoning you to write! The changes of the seasons are pleading for your art! The political unrest is demanding for an uprising of expression! Why do you sit in fear and not let your voice be heard? The visitor of darkness has tricked you.
You have set aside your revolver of revolution! Take up your gift! The dread will dissipate as you dance.
The worry will weaken as you write! The pressure will pale as you perform! You were born for such a time as this.
Come forth free of intimidation.
The Gift Giver has not forgotten you.
You have everything you need to succeed.
The only way you can fail is if you give up.