Basketball Strength Training for Young Girls
- Overall physical fitness is a key component of any strength-training program. The strength work must be balanced by cardiovascular training. The cardio work will allow the girls to stay more mentally focused during practice and game play, which could lead to less chance of injury. The combination of fitness and strength work prepares young ladies to succeed on the court.
- One of the most critical areas of development for young female athletes is flexibility. Any program of strength training must be complemented by a program of stretching and agility training that will make the rapid responses required to make basketball plays possible. Side-to-side movement is one of the key skills required to succeed on the court and that is enhanced as the body is more flexible and agile.
- It is important with any strength development work that it be tied specifically to the sport the athlete is training for. For girls training for basketball, things like rapid-fire shooting drills and medicine-ball passing drills help strengthen the muscles directly involved with success in playing the game.
- Core strength is the key to success in any sport. The core muscles are the source of body control and balance for the entire body. To successfully play defense or shoot the basketball, to shoot or change directions when dribbling or shooting, the core must be strong. Core exercises that work the muscles of the abdomen, glutes and chest will prepare a young lady for success on the court.
- With any physical activity, stretching and conditioning to reduce the chance of injury is critical. Basketball is a high-speed sport with quick stops and jumping that put strain particularly on the joints. Anterior cruciate ligament injuries are a common basketball injury that is more common in girls than boys. The injuries result from off-balance landings on jumps and twisting moves. Strength training for girls reduces the chances for the injury by focusing on flexibility.
- Speed can't be developed out of thin air, but anyone can improve their straight-ahead running speed and especially their lateral quickness. Both of those skills are are important on the basketball court. Short running bursts that work the rapid-twitch muscles will improve speed, but things such as repetitive jumping drills and other muscles that strengthen the legs will also help in this area.
- Weight training is not the best alternative for young girls whose bodies are not yet ready for that type of workout regimen. It is better to use their own body weight as the resistance and work through basketball-related drills to enhance their strength.
Physical Fitness
Flexibility and Agility
Basketball-specific Skills
Core Strength
Injury Prevention
Weight Training