How to Write Web Content
When you want to write for the web, it has to follow a different style and pattern than what you would write if you wanted to print it.
This is because it is evident harder for people to read on a screen than on tabloid paper.
This however is a purely physical and psychologically acclaimed impediment.
According to the immaculate and perfected human eye, the best screens would still provide a relatively fuzzy image than a printed sheet, and the longer the sheet or page of the article is, the worse it is.
Such is the art of writing web content.
In today's generation, the physical and psychological problems have been greatly reduced and might even disappear in the future.
In the present time, with the latest gizmo's and graphics display systems, with the advent of the plasma, the liquid crystal displays and the LED TV's the clarity of images has gone up by a hundred notches but still not yet up to real vision of the eye.
Microsoft has designed special types of fonts that give clarity and readability on the web and writing web content but even with these technological advances, the biggest problem is based on behavior than technology and physical ailments of the human body.
It has been found through research andstatistics that ninety nine percent of the people that go online just 'breeze' through the content and reads only twenty percent to a maximum of twenty eight percent of the entire content that is present.
The users frolic around skipping from one place to another, from one paragraph to another, from one word to another, without any order in order to grasp the web content.
This in simple terms is just called being impatient.
So to keep the readers interest from waning, the article is kept sweet simple and short.
The first few lines are capable of arousing interest and explanation in the audiences mind.
The one demand that content writers have to meet with is that they have to captivate the audience before they lose their attention span.
For this they need to write shorter articles yet be totally full with information to the brim.
And this is where things become a little challenging as it is usually more difficult to write shorter pieces.
It is after all easier to write an article for 1000 words than 250 in a given list of point to be included.
If you think that a word is unnecessary then by all means, please gets rid of the word.
A content writers objective is to be short.
If you want tips on how to condense your writings then you can also check out the Orwells rule that formulates how we can trim our long opinions.
Whatever you write should be because you want the reader to know about it and not to satisfy your own self arrogance.
If you want you can improve the feel of the article by placing questions for the modifiers of the piece such that they think twice about re doing your material.
The writer writing the web content should be aware of his writings and present everything in true and an affirmative tone unless asked otherwise.
This is because it is evident harder for people to read on a screen than on tabloid paper.
This however is a purely physical and psychologically acclaimed impediment.
According to the immaculate and perfected human eye, the best screens would still provide a relatively fuzzy image than a printed sheet, and the longer the sheet or page of the article is, the worse it is.
Such is the art of writing web content.
In today's generation, the physical and psychological problems have been greatly reduced and might even disappear in the future.
In the present time, with the latest gizmo's and graphics display systems, with the advent of the plasma, the liquid crystal displays and the LED TV's the clarity of images has gone up by a hundred notches but still not yet up to real vision of the eye.
Microsoft has designed special types of fonts that give clarity and readability on the web and writing web content but even with these technological advances, the biggest problem is based on behavior than technology and physical ailments of the human body.
It has been found through research andstatistics that ninety nine percent of the people that go online just 'breeze' through the content and reads only twenty percent to a maximum of twenty eight percent of the entire content that is present.
The users frolic around skipping from one place to another, from one paragraph to another, from one word to another, without any order in order to grasp the web content.
This in simple terms is just called being impatient.
So to keep the readers interest from waning, the article is kept sweet simple and short.
The first few lines are capable of arousing interest and explanation in the audiences mind.
The one demand that content writers have to meet with is that they have to captivate the audience before they lose their attention span.
For this they need to write shorter articles yet be totally full with information to the brim.
And this is where things become a little challenging as it is usually more difficult to write shorter pieces.
It is after all easier to write an article for 1000 words than 250 in a given list of point to be included.
If you think that a word is unnecessary then by all means, please gets rid of the word.
A content writers objective is to be short.
If you want tips on how to condense your writings then you can also check out the Orwells rule that formulates how we can trim our long opinions.
Whatever you write should be because you want the reader to know about it and not to satisfy your own self arrogance.
If you want you can improve the feel of the article by placing questions for the modifiers of the piece such that they think twice about re doing your material.
The writer writing the web content should be aware of his writings and present everything in true and an affirmative tone unless asked otherwise.