Symptoms of Clogged Arteries - The Details You Can"t Ignore
Symptoms of clogged arteries are varies.
They depend on the location where the clogging occurs.
I think people with the risk should know and understand the symptoms of clogged arteries and their detail.
This action alone can make a big different to your health and even save your life or other people.
Most of the us hope that during the plaque buildup (the most common cause of clogging), there will be any clogged arteries signs and symptoms that may give us a clue.
Unfortunately, it won't happen.
We may start experiencing the symptoms when our arteries get narrowed or clogged.
Sometimes, there are no signs at all, usually for people with diabetes.
We should be grateful because we get warn, others may won't get so lucky.
So, what are the symptoms of clogged arteries? These are the most frequently reported ones: When the clogged arteries prevent the blood to flow freely to the heart muscle, you should be feeling:Chest discomfort in the center area such as tightness, heaviness, numbness, aching, pressure, fullness, burning, or squeezing (known as angina pectoris or angina).
It come and go with duration more than a few minutes.
Pain or discomfort on area closed to the heart such as the arms, the left shoulder, back, neck, or jaw.
Rapid irregular heart beats, shortness of breath.
Light-headedness, dizziness.
Cold sweat or sweating.
Extreme weakness or anxiety.
Fullness, choking feeling.
Nausea or vomiting.
Women seldom feel the chest discomfort like the men do.
They often get different symptoms such as sleep disturbances, unusual fatigue, indigestion, shortness of breath and anxiety.
Important! When blood flow to the heart muscle is completely blocked, a heart attack can happen.
Without immediate treatment, it can lead to serious problems or death.
When the amount of the blood flow to the brain suddenly drops you can get what is called as mini stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack or TIA.
This mini stroke is only temporary and may go within a day.
Loss of blood to the brain could bring to a serious stroke cause the damage to the brain.
It leads to the loss of speech or coordination or even death.
Symptoms of clogged arteries cause a stroke:Weakness, numbness.
Unable to move one side of the body such as the arm, leg, face.
Loss of balance when walking.
Difficult to speak normally, understand.
Have difficulty to swallow.
Loss of consciousness.
Severe headache.
Symptoms of clogged arteries in the legs are pain after walking for a few minutes.
The pain may go away when you stop.
When it gets worse, it also affects your foot or toe.
For men, erectile dysfunction can be the sign of the clogged arteries to the penis.
They depend on the location where the clogging occurs.
I think people with the risk should know and understand the symptoms of clogged arteries and their detail.
This action alone can make a big different to your health and even save your life or other people.
Most of the us hope that during the plaque buildup (the most common cause of clogging), there will be any clogged arteries signs and symptoms that may give us a clue.
Unfortunately, it won't happen.
We may start experiencing the symptoms when our arteries get narrowed or clogged.
Sometimes, there are no signs at all, usually for people with diabetes.
We should be grateful because we get warn, others may won't get so lucky.
So, what are the symptoms of clogged arteries? These are the most frequently reported ones: When the clogged arteries prevent the blood to flow freely to the heart muscle, you should be feeling:
It come and go with duration more than a few minutes.
They often get different symptoms such as sleep disturbances, unusual fatigue, indigestion, shortness of breath and anxiety.
Important! When blood flow to the heart muscle is completely blocked, a heart attack can happen.
Without immediate treatment, it can lead to serious problems or death.
When the amount of the blood flow to the brain suddenly drops you can get what is called as mini stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack or TIA.
This mini stroke is only temporary and may go within a day.
Loss of blood to the brain could bring to a serious stroke cause the damage to the brain.
It leads to the loss of speech or coordination or even death.
Symptoms of clogged arteries cause a stroke:
The pain may go away when you stop.
When it gets worse, it also affects your foot or toe.
For men, erectile dysfunction can be the sign of the clogged arteries to the penis.