Good Exercise Program
The best exercise for you is exercise that you will enjoy and will do regularly. The following recommendations are based on guidelines that apply to most people.
1. Exercise throughout the day for a total of 30minutes at least 5days every week. You do not need to do exercise in one session. Exercise moderately. If you begin to get dizzy or nauseated, or if you feel any pain, stop what you are doing. These are signs of overdoing it. Overdoing exercise, beyond ones capacity is never useful, instead, exercise should always be performed half the capacity of individual.
2. Always do warm-up, stretching exercises before main exercise session and cool down, stretching exercises at the end.
3. Choose types of exercise that you enjoy and that you can fit into your schedule. If you dislike competitive sports, then consider brisk walking, bicycling or swimming. Energetic gardening or do-it-yourself work around house can also be good ways to exercise. Many people found brisk walking to and from work, walking up stairs instead of taking elevator etc fit nicely into their everyday routine. The goal is to develop a habit of integrating physical activity into your life, so that you can look forward to your chosen activity.
4. Try to find an aerobic activity that you enjoy and make it part of your regular exercise program. Regular sessions of moderate aerobic exercise are important for maintaining good health; aerobic exercise benefits your bones and muscles and is especially good for both your heart and your lungs.
5. A stationary exercise bicycle is useful fitness equipment in all weather. Measure each day performance against your previous performance, and aim for a steady week-by-week improvement.
6. Walking briskly is an easy way to add aerobic exercise to your daily routine. It helps improve your endurance, your circulation, and condition of your heart. Start slowly first, gradually walking greater distances for longer periods of time.
7. Do not attempt to get into shape too rapidly. Start slowly, exercising just hard enough to make you feel mild strain, increase you efforts gradually over first 4 weeks. If you are out of condition and start new sport, avoid vigorous sports that can demand your health and sudden bursts of strength and energy.
8. Traditional age-old Indian method of exercise like performing Suryanamaskar (combination of 10 different body positions as part of exercise), Yogic exercises etc have their beneficial effect simultaneously allover the body and is therefore trusted form of exercise to be carried out by all individuals.
1. Exercise throughout the day for a total of 30minutes at least 5days every week. You do not need to do exercise in one session. Exercise moderately. If you begin to get dizzy or nauseated, or if you feel any pain, stop what you are doing. These are signs of overdoing it. Overdoing exercise, beyond ones capacity is never useful, instead, exercise should always be performed half the capacity of individual.
2. Always do warm-up, stretching exercises before main exercise session and cool down, stretching exercises at the end.
3. Choose types of exercise that you enjoy and that you can fit into your schedule. If you dislike competitive sports, then consider brisk walking, bicycling or swimming. Energetic gardening or do-it-yourself work around house can also be good ways to exercise. Many people found brisk walking to and from work, walking up stairs instead of taking elevator etc fit nicely into their everyday routine. The goal is to develop a habit of integrating physical activity into your life, so that you can look forward to your chosen activity.
4. Try to find an aerobic activity that you enjoy and make it part of your regular exercise program. Regular sessions of moderate aerobic exercise are important for maintaining good health; aerobic exercise benefits your bones and muscles and is especially good for both your heart and your lungs.
5. A stationary exercise bicycle is useful fitness equipment in all weather. Measure each day performance against your previous performance, and aim for a steady week-by-week improvement.
6. Walking briskly is an easy way to add aerobic exercise to your daily routine. It helps improve your endurance, your circulation, and condition of your heart. Start slowly first, gradually walking greater distances for longer periods of time.
7. Do not attempt to get into shape too rapidly. Start slowly, exercising just hard enough to make you feel mild strain, increase you efforts gradually over first 4 weeks. If you are out of condition and start new sport, avoid vigorous sports that can demand your health and sudden bursts of strength and energy.
8. Traditional age-old Indian method of exercise like performing Suryanamaskar (combination of 10 different body positions as part of exercise), Yogic exercises etc have their beneficial effect simultaneously allover the body and is therefore trusted form of exercise to be carried out by all individuals.