Nutrition As Medicine
There has been a remarkable change in medical attitudes towards
nutrition. For the first time in history, on august 19th, 1992 the ultra-
conservative Journal of the American Medical Association recommend
vitamin supplements to prevent atherosclerosis and heart disease.
The highly respected New England Journal of Medicine followed in
May 1993 by publishing two large population studies, involving
130,000 health workers, showing that high doses of vitamin E significantly
reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes in men and women.
The researchers showed that it was almost impossible to get sufficient
vitamin E from our food and made a clear recommendation for vitamin E
supplements, with the agreement of the Journal's conservative editors.
They boosted the recommendation with a special editorial by
Dr Daniel Steinberg of the University of California, in which he reviewed
the lack of toxicity of vitamin E.
Then the scholarly journal, Nutrition Reviews, the bible of nutrition science
used by researchers themselves, showed that it is impossible to get
sufficient vitamins from our degraded food supply and criticized the FDA
for not allowing companies to tell the public how vitamins prevent cancer.
The New England Journal of Medicine concurred with a large study of
89,000 female nurses, followed for 8 years.
The research showed that nurses who took 30% more vitamin A than
the RDA, had significantly less risk of breast cancer.
The Journal of the American Medical Assiciation published a study by
Dr. Charles Butterworth of the University of Alabama School of Medicine.
The study showed clearly that women with unsufficient intake of the
B vitamin folate, had no resistance to the papilloma virus that causes
cervival cancer.
Folate deficiency, very common in America, was shown to be a worse
risk for cervival cancer than smoking.
These are some samples of the hundreds of reports in mainstream
medical journals showing that decent nutrition, including vitamin and
mineral supplementation is a major force in preventing a wide range
of degenerative diseases, including cancers, cardiovascular
diseases, adult-onset diabetes and many liver, kidney, skin, eye and
other organ disorders. Read the medical references and be convinced
to take care of your nutrition for life.
There are also negative reports about vitamins. They get unfair media
coverage, because the powerful pharmaceutical advertisers don't like
media that support non-patentable vitamins to prevent illness as they
rely on a growing number of people who become dependent on
patented prescription drugs.
Media are being cleverly manipulated to misinterpret a study appearing
in the New England Journal of Medicine.
This study, sponsored by the US National Cancer Institute examined
the effects of beta-carotene and vitamin E on 29,000 smokers, aged 50
and above over a period of 3 to 5 years.
The reports of researchers showed no evidence of a decrease in
lung cancer risk.
The widely quoted comments about this study by Dr. Gilbert Omenn,
Dean of Public Health of the University of Washington, are particularly
disturbing. Hopefully, Dr. Omenn was misquated when he stated that
the study applies to healthy people, €because smokers are getting the
same diseases as the rest of us.€
The study has no application whatoever to healthy people and little
application even to smokers.
Study subjects were all long-term heavy smokers, averaged 57.2
years old, smoking 20 cigarets per day for 35 years on average.
Most cancers grow slowly for many years, before any symptoms
appear.The disease processes caused by smoking were already
well advanced in these men before the study began.
To give them a small dosis of vitamins and expect a cure is not sensible.
It's like taking aspirin to cure a rotting tooth, by comparison.
The media reports fail to publish the amounts of vitamins used.
The 50mg of synthetic dl-alpha tocopherol acetate per day in the study
(50 IU), is a tiny amount and the poor synthetic form to boot.
By comparison,a bowl of wheatgerm cerial contains about 20 IU of
vitamin E.
A recent review of all the major studies in the conservative Journal of
the American Dietetic Association recommended 200 €" 800 IU of
vitamin E per day for health protection. And that applies to non-smokers.
Similarly, the 20 mg of beta-carotene (33,320 IU) per day in the study
gives very little protection against the massive disease processes
already at work in subjects who have smoked heavily for many years.
The amount of 20 mg of beta-carotene is the same as in two large carrots.
Smoking is a deadly practice. It is stated on the cigarette packets:
€Smoking Causes Lung Cancer.€
Please note; it does not state: €might' or €can' cause lung cancer,
but it does€¦..period!!
It is ridiculous to suggest that you can stop this disease process with
a couple of carrots a day.
The National Cancer Institute, a two billion dollar institution, does not
want its power and income being eroded by cancer prevention strategies
that the public can use by themselves.
If you don't believe me, check out the activities of the N C I by getting
€The Politics of Cancer€ by Samuel Epstein, Professor of Medicine
at the University of Illinois. Dr. Epstein shows clearly how ineffective
our cancer health authorities really are today!.
nutrition. For the first time in history, on august 19th, 1992 the ultra-
conservative Journal of the American Medical Association recommend
vitamin supplements to prevent atherosclerosis and heart disease.
The highly respected New England Journal of Medicine followed in
May 1993 by publishing two large population studies, involving
130,000 health workers, showing that high doses of vitamin E significantly
reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes in men and women.
The researchers showed that it was almost impossible to get sufficient
vitamin E from our food and made a clear recommendation for vitamin E
supplements, with the agreement of the Journal's conservative editors.
They boosted the recommendation with a special editorial by
Dr Daniel Steinberg of the University of California, in which he reviewed
the lack of toxicity of vitamin E.
Then the scholarly journal, Nutrition Reviews, the bible of nutrition science
used by researchers themselves, showed that it is impossible to get
sufficient vitamins from our degraded food supply and criticized the FDA
for not allowing companies to tell the public how vitamins prevent cancer.
The New England Journal of Medicine concurred with a large study of
89,000 female nurses, followed for 8 years.
The research showed that nurses who took 30% more vitamin A than
the RDA, had significantly less risk of breast cancer.
The Journal of the American Medical Assiciation published a study by
Dr. Charles Butterworth of the University of Alabama School of Medicine.
The study showed clearly that women with unsufficient intake of the
B vitamin folate, had no resistance to the papilloma virus that causes
cervival cancer.
Folate deficiency, very common in America, was shown to be a worse
risk for cervival cancer than smoking.
These are some samples of the hundreds of reports in mainstream
medical journals showing that decent nutrition, including vitamin and
mineral supplementation is a major force in preventing a wide range
of degenerative diseases, including cancers, cardiovascular
diseases, adult-onset diabetes and many liver, kidney, skin, eye and
other organ disorders. Read the medical references and be convinced
to take care of your nutrition for life.
There are also negative reports about vitamins. They get unfair media
coverage, because the powerful pharmaceutical advertisers don't like
media that support non-patentable vitamins to prevent illness as they
rely on a growing number of people who become dependent on
patented prescription drugs.
Media are being cleverly manipulated to misinterpret a study appearing
in the New England Journal of Medicine.
This study, sponsored by the US National Cancer Institute examined
the effects of beta-carotene and vitamin E on 29,000 smokers, aged 50
and above over a period of 3 to 5 years.
The reports of researchers showed no evidence of a decrease in
lung cancer risk.
The widely quoted comments about this study by Dr. Gilbert Omenn,
Dean of Public Health of the University of Washington, are particularly
disturbing. Hopefully, Dr. Omenn was misquated when he stated that
the study applies to healthy people, €because smokers are getting the
same diseases as the rest of us.€
The study has no application whatoever to healthy people and little
application even to smokers.
Study subjects were all long-term heavy smokers, averaged 57.2
years old, smoking 20 cigarets per day for 35 years on average.
Most cancers grow slowly for many years, before any symptoms
appear.The disease processes caused by smoking were already
well advanced in these men before the study began.
To give them a small dosis of vitamins and expect a cure is not sensible.
It's like taking aspirin to cure a rotting tooth, by comparison.
The media reports fail to publish the amounts of vitamins used.
The 50mg of synthetic dl-alpha tocopherol acetate per day in the study
(50 IU), is a tiny amount and the poor synthetic form to boot.
By comparison,a bowl of wheatgerm cerial contains about 20 IU of
vitamin E.
A recent review of all the major studies in the conservative Journal of
the American Dietetic Association recommended 200 €" 800 IU of
vitamin E per day for health protection. And that applies to non-smokers.
Similarly, the 20 mg of beta-carotene (33,320 IU) per day in the study
gives very little protection against the massive disease processes
already at work in subjects who have smoked heavily for many years.
The amount of 20 mg of beta-carotene is the same as in two large carrots.
Smoking is a deadly practice. It is stated on the cigarette packets:
€Smoking Causes Lung Cancer.€
Please note; it does not state: €might' or €can' cause lung cancer,
but it does€¦..period!!
It is ridiculous to suggest that you can stop this disease process with
a couple of carrots a day.
The National Cancer Institute, a two billion dollar institution, does not
want its power and income being eroded by cancer prevention strategies
that the public can use by themselves.
If you don't believe me, check out the activities of the N C I by getting
€The Politics of Cancer€ by Samuel Epstein, Professor of Medicine
at the University of Illinois. Dr. Epstein shows clearly how ineffective
our cancer health authorities really are today!.