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5 Signs That You Should Worry That Your Black Teen"s A Compulsive Liar

Are you wondering if your teen is a compulsive liar? Black parents try to raise their kids to be honest.
So it's no wonder that lying is the one thing that drives Black parents absolutely crazy.
I mean Black parents hate when their kids lie to their faces.
Although lying drives parents crazy, it's normal for teenagers to lie.
Most teenagers lie occasionally.
And, like adults, teenagers lie for a variety of reasons.
Most times, lying doesn't mean a teenager is on the path to a lifetime of deception.
In fact, few Black teens can be called compulsive liars.
However, there are some teenagers that lie constantly.
They can't seem to help but lie.
They seem to lie about everything.
What starts as little white lies as kids snowballs into a chronic problem where the teen lies habitually.
Compulsive lying is a serious problem.
It creates problems for you, your teen, and others.
Therefore, compulsive lying must be dealt with.
It's important to determine if your teen is a compulsive liar.
But, because teens lie, it may not always easy to determine if your teen's a compulsive liar or not.
In this article, I'll share with you some clues to help you determine if your teen is prone to compulsive lying.
What is a Compulsive Liar? A compulsive liar is someone who lies out of habit.
They lie about everything, large or small.
Their primary response to a question is to lie.
The person lies without a thought.
They don't necessarily lie to manipulate or scheme.
Instead, lying is their automatic response to almost every situation.
They tend to feel more comfortable lying and will become tense when telling the truth.
Signs of a Compulsive Lying Stories Not Consistent Compulsive liars have a hard time keeping their stories straight.
After all, they lie so much to so many people, they forget what they tell whom.
So, what they say today may not be what they say tomorrow.
They tend to add more details to their lies so eventually, their lies are radically different from the original lie.
No Ulterior Motive to Lying Intentional liars lie to get or avoid something.
There's always an ulterior motive to lying.
If there's nothing to be gained, intentional liars won't lie.
Compulsive liars have no ulterior motives.
They don't lie to manipulate others.
They lie out of habit.
I'm Okay Compulsive liars generally have poor self-esteem.
As a result, they have a strong need to make themselves more important, worthy, and impressive than they, deep down, think they are.
So, they tend to exaggerate their qualities and successes while hiding their flaws and failures.
Lie Regularly and Often For compulsive liars, lying is a habit.
It happens automatically without thought.
They may not even realize that they're lying.
They lie at every opportunity.
They lie even when there's no reason to lie.
They lie about small, insignificant things.
They can't seem to help or stop themselves from lying.
At Ease With Lying People who lie occasionally may look ill at ease when lying.
Compulsive liars, on the other hand, look relaxed when lying.
Paradoxically, when they're telling the truth, that they appear uncomfortable.
How to Help If your teen lies compulsively, your teen needs help.
So, here's how you can help your teen.
Confront Them About Their Lying Address your teen about their lying.
Chances are you won't be the first person who confronted them on this issue.
Be loving and thoughtful when addressing the issue.
Avoid judging your teen or making them feel bad.
Remember, their self-esteem is already damaged.
Let them know how you feel about their lying.
Discuss how their lying hurt themselves and others.
Discuss this article with them and discuss the need to get help.
Get Professional Help Psychotherapy can help teens recover from the need to lie compulsively.
Find a therapist who specializes in working with teenagers and with compulsive lying.
Actively participate in sessions.
Don't just drop your teen off at the therapist's office and leave.
Be part of family therapy sessions.
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