How to Make Her Want You When There Is Another Guy in the Picture
In an ideal world, the woman you had your sights set on would be totally available and you wouldn't have to worry about there being another guy in the picture. In the real world, it happens. I am not talking about a situation where you are trying to steal someone else's girlfriend. I am talking about the reality that when you meet a good looking woman, there is a good chance that there are going to be other guys who think she is pretty and who are also going to try to win her over. How do you make her want you over someone else?
The first suggestion that I have is to not worry about it as much as you probably are. It can be hard to let it go like that and take on the attitude of not being too worried about losing her to some other guy who also thinks that she is attractive, but that's exactly what you need to do. If you worry about it too much it is going to show. And it usually comes across like insecurity, a totally unattractive quality, when it does show.
The second suggestion is that you make yourself appear to be the better guy. Most guys are not really that much of a worry anyway, because they are going to end up doing things like trying too hard to make her like them, trying to buy her affection, etc. You need to stand out and come across as the more attractive and appealing guy, but like I said, that often sounds more daunting than it really is. As long as you understand how to make a woman attracted to you without trying too hard and without being one of those suckers that will buy her things to try and win her over, you shouldn't have too much to worry about.
The last suggestion that I would make, is to increase your opportunities. While you may have your heart set on one woman in particular, having OPTIONS is almost always the better route to take. Think about it like this - would you worry so much about losing that woman to another guy if you knew that you had 3 or 4 other phone numbers of women you could call up and take out if you wanted to? Probably not. Besides, when you are a man that OTHER women want, you are almost always going to look all the more attractive to that one woman you have your sights set on.
You are not always going to be able to come out the winner when there is a woman you like. However, most of the time you can if you know how to make yourself more appealing and more attractive than the next guy. And, if you are a man with options, you really won't have to worry about it too much anyway.
The first suggestion that I have is to not worry about it as much as you probably are. It can be hard to let it go like that and take on the attitude of not being too worried about losing her to some other guy who also thinks that she is attractive, but that's exactly what you need to do. If you worry about it too much it is going to show. And it usually comes across like insecurity, a totally unattractive quality, when it does show.
The second suggestion is that you make yourself appear to be the better guy. Most guys are not really that much of a worry anyway, because they are going to end up doing things like trying too hard to make her like them, trying to buy her affection, etc. You need to stand out and come across as the more attractive and appealing guy, but like I said, that often sounds more daunting than it really is. As long as you understand how to make a woman attracted to you without trying too hard and without being one of those suckers that will buy her things to try and win her over, you shouldn't have too much to worry about.
The last suggestion that I would make, is to increase your opportunities. While you may have your heart set on one woman in particular, having OPTIONS is almost always the better route to take. Think about it like this - would you worry so much about losing that woman to another guy if you knew that you had 3 or 4 other phone numbers of women you could call up and take out if you wanted to? Probably not. Besides, when you are a man that OTHER women want, you are almost always going to look all the more attractive to that one woman you have your sights set on.
You are not always going to be able to come out the winner when there is a woman you like. However, most of the time you can if you know how to make yourself more appealing and more attractive than the next guy. And, if you are a man with options, you really won't have to worry about it too much anyway.