Tea Party Anyone?
On December 16, 1773, after officials in Boston refused to send back three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists boarded the ships and threw all the tea over board into the bottom of the Boston Harbor.
This act, along with other events in our American history, was very instrumental in leading our country down the road to declare its independence over British rule, and eventually the revolutionary war.
The Tea Party was the culmination of a resistance movement throughout British America, against the Tea Act, which was passed by the British government in 1773.
Although it is not about tea anymore, but the modern-day "Tea Party Movement" certainly has very striking similarities.
It is a group of American citizens, from all over this country, coming together to stand for the constitution of the United States.
Not the constitution of some small judges or a few government leaders, who have decided that they don't want a government for the people and by the people, they want a government for them and by them.
They want to dictate to you and me, what you do, when and where you will do it, and by what means you will do it.
53 years ago, Premier Nikita Khrushchev, of the then, "Soviet Union", said to all America, "we will bury you without firing a single shot.
" Are we seeing the fulfillment of that prophecy? Are we on the road to socialism? What is Socialism? Basically it is a political movement that has as its goal, to create a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the government, (or authoritative powers in control), for the purposes of increasing social and economic freedom, equality and cooperation.
In a socialistic government, all your choices are slowly taken away.
The government will tell you who to hire, what's right and what's wrong, and how much money you can earn.
and where you will go to school.
It will initiate policies to take money from those who earn it and give it to those who don't, and a myriad of other policies that are directed at controlling and balancing the wealth and the social structure of the nation.
Government mandated health-care was a first step in that direction.
Despite the fact that over 60% of the American public opposed the government health-care bill, it was given to us.
That doesn't sound like a government by the people.
How did we get into this mess? The world looks at us Americans as fat, greedy, pigs.
They see the things we have, and we want more.
The big houses, new cars, and all the latest techno gadgets, just never fill our appetite that continues to yell for more and more.
We buy things we don't need, with money we don't have, and if we don't have it we go to the banks and they will loan us the money, and charge us ridiculous interest rates, that we can never pay back.
Our discontentment will never be satisfied.
Ladies and gentlemen, our government has handled its financial situation in the exact same way.
We are a country that is so far in debt, we can never pay back the trillions and trillions of dollars that we owe foreign countries.
And banks.
Wages continue to fall and the gap between what you and I make and the discretionary income we have, as compared to what corporate America has is totally ludicrous.
How can CEO's of companies earn enough money to pay millions and millions in bonuses and pay raises to its corporate leaders, all the while the companies are failing and laying off its employees? We see it all around us and the gap only continues to grow larger and larger.
Can we get out of this and get back on the right road? I think we have two things going for us today, and only two things.
The Tea Party Movement has brought people back to reality and what this great country was founded on.
The constitution was put in place to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals, not some power-hungry and greedy corporate leaders and government officials.
Why do you think that the liberal democrats are scared to death with this coming mid-term elections? They are soon going to be out of a job.
But that will only happen if you and I exercise the one freedom that we still have, and that is to vote.
You hold the key.
Come election day, if you don't like the way your Congress, Senate, or Governor is running things, you get to cast your vote to put him or her in the unemployment line.
Slowly but surely, little by little our freedom to choose, is being taken away.
I may not agree on what you choose, but it's your choice.
This is still a free country.
We are still a country that every year, thousands and thousands are sworn in as new American citizens.
If you are an American citizen, study the choices you have this election.
See what the candidates stand for and then go and vote! This is still a country for the people and by the people.
God bless America!
This act, along with other events in our American history, was very instrumental in leading our country down the road to declare its independence over British rule, and eventually the revolutionary war.
The Tea Party was the culmination of a resistance movement throughout British America, against the Tea Act, which was passed by the British government in 1773.
Although it is not about tea anymore, but the modern-day "Tea Party Movement" certainly has very striking similarities.
It is a group of American citizens, from all over this country, coming together to stand for the constitution of the United States.
Not the constitution of some small judges or a few government leaders, who have decided that they don't want a government for the people and by the people, they want a government for them and by them.
They want to dictate to you and me, what you do, when and where you will do it, and by what means you will do it.
53 years ago, Premier Nikita Khrushchev, of the then, "Soviet Union", said to all America, "we will bury you without firing a single shot.
" Are we seeing the fulfillment of that prophecy? Are we on the road to socialism? What is Socialism? Basically it is a political movement that has as its goal, to create a socio-economic system in which property and the distribution of wealth are subject to control by the government, (or authoritative powers in control), for the purposes of increasing social and economic freedom, equality and cooperation.
In a socialistic government, all your choices are slowly taken away.
The government will tell you who to hire, what's right and what's wrong, and how much money you can earn.
and where you will go to school.
It will initiate policies to take money from those who earn it and give it to those who don't, and a myriad of other policies that are directed at controlling and balancing the wealth and the social structure of the nation.
Government mandated health-care was a first step in that direction.
Despite the fact that over 60% of the American public opposed the government health-care bill, it was given to us.
That doesn't sound like a government by the people.
How did we get into this mess? The world looks at us Americans as fat, greedy, pigs.
They see the things we have, and we want more.
The big houses, new cars, and all the latest techno gadgets, just never fill our appetite that continues to yell for more and more.
We buy things we don't need, with money we don't have, and if we don't have it we go to the banks and they will loan us the money, and charge us ridiculous interest rates, that we can never pay back.
Our discontentment will never be satisfied.
Ladies and gentlemen, our government has handled its financial situation in the exact same way.
We are a country that is so far in debt, we can never pay back the trillions and trillions of dollars that we owe foreign countries.
And banks.
Wages continue to fall and the gap between what you and I make and the discretionary income we have, as compared to what corporate America has is totally ludicrous.
How can CEO's of companies earn enough money to pay millions and millions in bonuses and pay raises to its corporate leaders, all the while the companies are failing and laying off its employees? We see it all around us and the gap only continues to grow larger and larger.
Can we get out of this and get back on the right road? I think we have two things going for us today, and only two things.
The Tea Party Movement has brought people back to reality and what this great country was founded on.
The constitution was put in place to protect the rights and freedoms of individuals, not some power-hungry and greedy corporate leaders and government officials.
Why do you think that the liberal democrats are scared to death with this coming mid-term elections? They are soon going to be out of a job.
But that will only happen if you and I exercise the one freedom that we still have, and that is to vote.
You hold the key.
Come election day, if you don't like the way your Congress, Senate, or Governor is running things, you get to cast your vote to put him or her in the unemployment line.
Slowly but surely, little by little our freedom to choose, is being taken away.
I may not agree on what you choose, but it's your choice.
This is still a free country.
We are still a country that every year, thousands and thousands are sworn in as new American citizens.
If you are an American citizen, study the choices you have this election.
See what the candidates stand for and then go and vote! This is still a country for the people and by the people.
God bless America!