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AIDS & HIV : Health & Medical
Subcutaneous Allergen Immunotherapy for Allergic Disease
Subcutaneous immunotherapy is a unique therapy for allergic disease because it provides symptomatic relief while modifying the allergic disease by targeting the underlying immunological mechanism.
Bartlett Expert Reviews and Commentary: HIV/AIDS, Sept 30, 2006
Dr. Bartlett reviews baseline/tx factors and immunologic recovery on HAART; pharmacogenetics: EFV/NFV; detection of acute HIV infections; prevalence of transmitted HIV drug resistance; and more.
Atazanavir Resistance With Unplanned Treatment Interruptions
This study examines the emergence of resistance to boosted PI-containing ART after multiple unplanned treatment interruptions.
Virologic Success and Resistance in Triple-Drug Regimens
Drug potency, sanctuary penetration, and high genetic barriers to resistance may all play a role in the effectiveness of boosted PI regimens.
Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI)
The definition of Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor (NRTI)
Impaired Semen Quality in HIV Patients Under Stable ART
This study investigates the impact of HIV and ART on sperm quality and protein composition.
All Roads (Should) Lead to Improving the Quality of HIV Care
Dr. Bruce Agins reviews presentations from IAS 2013 on a range of programs focused on improving the quality of HIV care delivered to patients in different settings.
Mortality is Influenced by Locality in a Major HIV/AIDS Epidemic
An increase was seen in the risk of death among HIV-infected people on HAART in a neighborhood with a high concentration of injecting drug users relative to one with a high concentration of gay men.
Superior Virological Response to Boosted Protease Inhibitor-based ART
Boosted PIs outperformed unboosted PIs as part of firstline HAART, even though the boosted PIs were used more often in more challenging clinical cases.
Linkage and Retention in HIV Care for Newly Diagnosed
This study tracks initial linkage to HIV care, retention in care, loss to follow-up, and transitions between HIV care providers. How well are our patients doing?
HIV Prophylaxis Following Non-occupational Exposure
This guideline from the New York State Department of Health offers guidance to clinicians for prescribing antiretroviral prophylactic therapy following non-occupational exposure to HIV.
What is the best medication combination for me?
What is the best medication combination for me? Find your answer here.
Long-term Exposure to Tenofovir and Renal Function in HIV
Does long-term use of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) in HIV treatment affect renal function?
Hepatitis C and HIV Coinfection
Hepatitis C is a serious problem by itself. HIV changes your life forever. Put the two together and you have hepatitis c and HIV coinfection. HIV and Hepatitis C together make treatment of both much more difficult.
Treatment Studies and Biomarkers: The Search for an HIV Cure
This article identifies a safe HIV treatment approach that can identify biomarkers of ART-free remission to aid cure research.
Lopinavir Monotherapy: High Risk for Viral Relapse in the CNS
This study looks at a regimen of lopinavir in HIV treatment, and its potential benefits and adverse effects.
Metabolic and Renal Effects of cART Regimens in HIV Patients
Which cART regimen has less metabolic and renal effects on treatment-naive HIV-1-infected patients?
Sensorimotor Dysfunction in HIV/AIDS: Effects of Antiretroviral
Balance and gait problems have repeatedly been mentioned in case descriptions of HIV-infected patients, although objective evidence of these problems has rarely been reported.
Bartlett HIV/AIDS Review: May 31, 2004
Dr. Bartlett reviews the final results of the 2NN study and the most recent D:A:D data, which analyze lipid effects of specific antiretrovirals.