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Taxes : Business & Finance
Instructions for the IRS 1040-EZ Schedule C
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Schedule C-EZ (1040) may be filed by a sole proprietor claiming business expenses of $5,000 or less, has no product inventory, uses the cash method of accounting, not claiming a net loss and operates only one business. You may not use Schedule C-EZ if you had employees
How to Find Federal Deductions for Income Taxes
When you file your taxes, the Internal Revenue Service allows you to take two types of federal deductions: standard and itemized. The standard deduction is dependent on your filing status and is a firm dollar amount that increases yearly. The itemized deduction is your total amount of specific expen
What You Need to Know About Owning a Daycare & Taxes
Operating a daycare business can be an extremely profitable venture. However, you should know a few things about the tax obligations you will have. Although you always have to pay taxes for your daycare business, the types of taxes you must pay and the method for reporting them differ depending on h
How Can I Pull Up My W2 Tax Information Online?
If you have a big refund coming from the IRS, you do not want to wait to file your taxes. But before you can file your tax return and claim the money you have coming, you first need to get access to the W2 from your employer. Fortunately there are a number of ways to access your W2 online, and that
How to Report Gross Royalties as an S-Corporation
Royalties are payments you receive from others as compensation for the use of your intellectual property, such a copyrighted works of art, literature or music, or patented property. You may also receive royalties on mineral rights as well, if you own land being mined, drilled or otherwise exploited
How to Pay Federal Taxes on Social Security
The Social Security system provides benefit payments to retired people in the United States each month. Depending on how much you receive through Social Security and how much other income you have, part of your Social Security benefits may be taxable under federal income tax rules. The taxable porti
Can My Pet Be a Dependent on a Tax Return?
Pets can be integral parts of the families that love and care for them. A pet can also represent a major expense in terms of food, travel and veterinary care. The Internal Revenue Service administers the tax code, which allows taxpayers to deduct certain costs associated with pets. However, pets do
Financial Auditing Diagnoses True Position Of Business
The methodical examination of financial statements so as to judge their accuracy is known as financial audit. The process of financial auditing is a complex one and goes through the stages of preliminary investigation, planning, compliance and execution.
What Is the Deductible on Your Personal Taxes?
Working individuals are expected to pay income taxes. While incomes vary, this obligation is shared by all. However, the amount of income tax a person pays depends on a variety of factors. such as where a person lives, whether he has any dependents and the value of any deductions he claims on his p
The Importance of TIC - Visiting the Property
There are many things that you should do before going through with TIC financing, one in particular involving TIC visiting the property. Before you choose any investment TIC property there are several things in particular that you should be aware of.
Income Tax Deductions for a Business Owner
Starting a business is a risky venture. Fortunately, there are a number of rewards from self-employment, including income tax deductions that can significantly offset the costs involved with running your business. Keep receipts for everything you intend to deduct.
There is Always an IRS Tax Relief
Millions of individuals owe IRS back taxes but few know that there is an IRS tax relief available for it. Yet to be paid IRS back taxes could be really nerve-racking so when one does ...
Tax Filing Online - Do Your Taxes Easily And Quickly!
Tax filing online is the easiest and quickest way to file your tax return. Online tax preparation has become easy and convenient with the help of rapid income tax services and software programs. Now y
E-filing – Easiest and Quickest Tax Refund Process For Companies
People usually file their taxes through post which requires month to reach the internal revenue office. Government gives deadline to file taxes by the people failing which results in penalty. There ar
H&r Block: Tax Changes to Affect Millions This Year
Major tax law changes and missed credits will affect millions of taxpayers this year.
Do I Have to Pay Taxes on a 1099?
Non-employee workers who receive compensation for their services may receive a 1099 form at the end of the fiscal year. This form lists the total amount paid to you by an individual or company. If you work as a consultant, perform freelance or other services, you may receive more than one 1099 form
How to File a Missing Year's Tax Return
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service requires most, but not all, individuals to file federal tax returns each year. The requirement applies to individuals 65 years of age or younger who make at least the minimum amount within their taxpayer category, which includes single, head of household and married
Taxes in Tough Economic Times
Economic times are tough, and the IRS has implemented a few tax relief programs to help alleviate some of the strain for families suffering from financial hardship. In addition. other major life events may have an impact on your tax return or your filing status. Read the following tips to find out h
Use Tax Refund Calculator UK To Determine Your Tax Back
You can get the estimate of your tax refund without having to spend a penny using an online tax refund calculator UK. Nowadays, knowing whether or not you are due a tax refund is very ...