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Copyrights : Law & Legal & Attorney
Copyright Laws for Downloadable Materials
You can download almost anything from the Internet, but the legality of doing so depends on the image by blaine stiger from“Download Now!” buttons abound on the Internet, offering everything from games to Internet browsers to cellphone ring tones....
Weird Al Finds Gold - Parody, Satire & Jokes
Many of you have heard of the musical artist "Weird Al" Yankovic."Weird Al" is famous for taking popular songs and changing the lyrics into something humorous while keeping it in the same style as the original song. The big question surrounding "Weird Al's" music i
What Qualities Criminal Lawyer in Singapore Should Posses
Criminal lawyers are your only hope in case of criminal lawsuit. Read further to know more about their qualities. Crime rate is increasing day by day all over the country. The police and the law ...
Mechanical License Definition
Individuals who are not the composer of a piece of music must have a document called a mechanical license to create musical recordings or distribute them. Mechanical licenses are legally required under U.S. copyright law.
An Overview About Software Patents?
Computers have become the integral part of our lives. People use it for an amount of personal and expert purposes. You get to see a wide range of the software applications and tools being developed ...
Requirements of Copyright Registration
Copyright registration provides added protection for intellectual property.writing book image by AGphotographer from Fotolia.comEveryone is automatically protected by copyright laws after creating original content whether that content consist of literary works, visual art work, music or...
Obtaining Permission to Use Book Cover Art
You've chosen to excerpt a famous book cover in your own book on the history of literary publication in the 20th Century. Gaining permission is an important legal and financial step. Since copyright law varies widely in the United States, Europe, and Asia, you should consult with a lawyer in order t
Copyright Infringement and Its Consequences
The author or creator of every original work that is tangible in nature has every right over his project. If this work is reproduced, altered, exhibited, broadcasted or made public in other way without the consent of the owner, it is considered violation of the legal and moral rights of the author.
Legal Forms and Documents That Protect You From Copyright Infringement
Plagiarism is an infringement of the copyright laws. Plagiarism can be defined as using someone else's work and presenting it as your own. The laws are very specific regarding plagiarism yet it occurs everyday specifically in learning institutions around the world.
What Things Are Illegal to Photocopy?
Copying items and documents for non-fraudulent personal use is generally permissible.copy machine image by Mat Hayward from Fotolia.comAccording to the U.S. Secret Service, making photocopies of certain items can land you in prison for up to 15 years. When photocopying, be aware of what...
How to Get Help From Patent Attorney Arizona?
Discovering the right patent attorney Arizona isn't generally simple. That is the reason we give the purchaser's patent lawyer seek indexes, including catalogs that characteristic Arizona patent lawyers from over the state. In seconds you'll ...
Copyright Laws on Internet Graphics
The creation of the internet has posed many challenges for copyright law.Justice image by MVit from Fotolia.comIn its most basic form, copyright is the protection granted by U.S. law to the creators of original works, be they artistic, literary, musical, dramatic, or intellectual....
How to Cite Copyrighted Websites in APA Style
A copyrighted website is actually cited in the same manner as an ordinary website in APA style. With a copyrighted website, you should be able to find publication information somewhere on the website. The publication data helps to copyright the website and is important to include for an APA style ci
What Is a Copyright - And What Isn't?
What is a copyright -- and what isn't? This question is often obscured by myth and misunderstanding. In this article, we break down a few copyright basics so that you can better understand a copyright's role in the intellectual property protection, how a copyright registration can benefit
Video Copyright Laws
Federal copyright laws are very specific about the use of videos and other works of authorship--you must gain the permission of the owner in order to publicly view the work. This includes feature films on video or DVD and instructional videos. It is important to note that venues that show movies pay
Copyright Act Laws
The copyright logo appears alongside many copyrighted works.copyright image by cam422 from Fotolia.comIn the United States, copyrights are protected under two different acts. These include the Copyright Act of 1976 and the newer Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. Together, these...
How to Copyright an Unpublished Manuscript
There is no law stating you must register any artistic creation to enjoy the legal protection of copyright. Legal copyright goes into effect immediately upon creation of a work. You do have the option of copyright registration. Registering you work with the United States Copyright Office provides yo
Credible Information on Copyright Laws
Blogs, social networks, information feeds and newsletters make information more accessible than ever before. With so much data instantly available, it's sometimes hard to filter out the noise and find reliable information. However, you can easily find credible information on copyright laws from auth
How to Copyright a Drawing
Copyright is the legal right which an author or artist holds in her original creative works, such as a drawing. Copyright includes the right to reproduce, print or publish the work; to make derivative, sequel or related works from it; and to display or perform the work. An artist holds the copyright
Fair Use Section of Copyright Law
The "fair use" principle of copyright law stems from the belief that the public has a right to freely use parts of copyrighted material for reasons of commentary or criticism and to guard against copyright owners attempting to quash any potential negative comments. Exceptions for the use of copyrigh