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History : Society & Culture & Entertainment
James McCudden: Britain's Highest Decorated Ace
Major James McCudden was a British fighter ace during World War I. In the course of the fighting James McCudden downed 57 enemy aircraft. James McCudden died following a flying accident in July 1918.
Timeline from 1860 to 1870
A timeline of the 1860s, including the American Civil War, the greatest historical event of the decade, as well as other events around the world.
The Causes of the War of 1812 Extended Beyond Impressment of Sailors
When President James Madison declared war against Britain in 1812 he was encouraged by a number of strategic and political considerations.
Mississippi Fast Facts
Want to learn more about Mississippi? These fast facts provide information about its admission to the union, its state symbols, important people from Mississippi, and key events in state history.
Lithograph of the Great East River Bridge
This color lithograph of the newly opened Brooklyn Bridge is titled "The Great East River Bridge."
Battle of Corinth
Learn all about the Battle of Corinth that occurred during the American Civil War.
Today in American History - April 28
Learn what happened today - April 28th - in American History.
A Nymph and Her Nets
Was the nymph who got caught in a net, Britomartis, a goddess or just Artemis's BFF? We investigate her mysterious origins.
Battle of Opequon
Want the fast facts about the Battle of Opequon? Learn about the battle, its outcome, and its significance.
Spectators In Period Dress
Spectators in period clothing attended the funeral for sailors from USS Monitor at Arlington National Cemetery, March 8, 2013
How to Paint Abstract Mountains
Abstract painting refers to a variety of painting types, all of which differ from the common representational style of painting. Abstract art ranges greatly in its style, from the famous abstract expressionist paintings of Jackson Pollock, which consist of bold colors flicked across a canvas, to the