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Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder : Health & Medical

Who Can Benefit From A Nursing School Online?

Nursing is a popular career because many people are drawn to the potential to earn a high salary while performing rewarding work and helping others. There are over 3 million nurses working in the U.S.

Positive Parenting For The ADHD Child

Millions of children with ADHD grow up to be well balanced responsible adults. That is probably due to a number of factors, the home environment, school and above all parents who know and apply a few

College And Career Planning For High School Students

Many college students are unsure of the career path they want to pursue and often, this leads them to waste time and money on unnecessary college classes while trying to select a major. As the U.S. fa

Help With ADHD Children - Strategies For Parents

Many parents are so relieved when their child is diagnosed with ADHD. They think that it takes the blame away from them and they can continue with their daily life, perhaps with the help of a few ADHD

Attention Deficit Disorder: Nutritional Interventions

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and/or attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) afflicts many adults and children. Difficulty in concentrating, being easily distracted, and impaired visual coord

What is ADHD

Children with ADHD generally have problems paying attention or concentrating. They can't seem to follow directions and are easily bored or frustrated with tasks.

How Do Stimulants Help ADHD?

Stimulants are the most common type of medicine used to treat ADHD. The stimulants seem to work by increasing the availability of certain chemicals in the brain, thus making the pathways in the brain work more effectively. Learn more about how stimulants work.

Adhd Herbal Cures - How To Get Your Child To Focus

Why so much interest in ADHD herbal cures? The main reason is that conventional medications which use amphetamine like drugs are not widely regarded now as being so effective in reducing symptoms. The

Tips for Keeping Promises and Commitments

Symptoms of adult ADD can make it difficult to keep promises and follow through with commitments. Here are some tips for keeping those promises when you have ADD.