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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical

The Way To Cure Leaky Gut Naturally

Do you Envision getting in a position to mend your leaky gut syndrome? If that is so, then you definitely are amongst the team of a million men and ladies identified using this type of ...

Manuka Honey - An Effective Natural Antibacterial Agent

Given the increasing popularity of organic foods and the rising concern about products genetically modified organisms, it is not surprising to see a line of skin care products created with totally natural ingredients. Such is the case of the Manuka products from Manu Nutraceuticals in New Zealand. T

Practical Tips On Acupuncture And What It Does For You

Maybe several dozen centuries past, acupuncture was designed and refined in China. Acupuncture was observed for the first time in Europe only a few centuries in recent history. Nonetheless, this ancient Chinese process began to ...

How is Colloidial Silver Made?

Silver has many medicinal properties. The use of this element in medicine is an old concept. However, it was not until recently that this alternative remedy gained popularity. In fact, colloidal silver, which is a mixture of dissolved silver ions and particles suspended in a solution, is one of the

Desperate For A Cure For Snoring?

Often the easiest and least invasive cure for snoring is overlooked.Hypnosis provides a treatment to cure snoring and also provides a snoring solution for the partner.

Why Most Modern People Do Not Have Diaphragmatic Breathing

According to Western medicine, as well as Hatha yoga, Chinese medicine, Tai Chi, Qi Kwong, and other holistic therapies, most of the breathing at rest is done using the diaphragm. Diaphragmatic breathing increases oxygenation of the arterial blood and body cells. It is also crucial for effective dra

Your Second Brain: The Belly Has a Mind of It's Own

We have a "second brain" made up of the abdomen and all of its complex systems. The "second brain" or abdominal brain is much different from the brain in our heads. It is vitally important to the operation of the human body and plays a vital role in our emotional and physical wel

Proof That Hypnotherapy Is Not Just Quackery

We human beings are adept at turning a blind eye to certain things in life, often for no good reason. Many people ignore hypnosis simply because they do not understand what it is or how it can be of great benefit.

The Art Of Reiki Therapy

Reiki therapy is used to provide many healthy benefits for the practitioner and person's receiving the life force energy. Through a lot of practice just about anyone can master the art of reiki and use ...

You Can Have Your Personal Stress Reduction Regimen

Ledum therapeutic-grade essentail oil is stress reducing by bringing the body back into balance, no matter what extreme you may have choosen to create.It is also a good oil to use for supporting the respiratory system, bringing comfort to cold and flu symptoms including sore throat, nausea, aches an

Meditation Process Helps In Learning About Meditation

Meditation process is a inward turning reflection on one's own mind. It requires you to have some calm and peace around you when you start your meditation. It is an activity of calming down the ...