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Cold,Fever,Flu,Cough : Health & Medical
Is Your Kid Sick or Just Faking It?
Cold and flu season is upon us, but is your child really sick? 4 tips for suspicious parents.
Cold Vs. Flu Vs. Allergy
The Common ColdThe common cold is simply the process of the human body becoming infected with some kind of virus. This is different from the flu because many different types of viruses cause cold symptoms while the flu is caused by one specific type of virus. All it takes to get the cold...
Japanese Cold Remedies
Every culture has different remedies for the common cold, including Japan's.sick child image by Renata Osinska from Fotolia.comJapanese cold remedies are much different from those in America. While Americans might enjoy a cup of hot chicken soup when they are afflicted with a cold,...
Swine Flu: Learning From Past Pandemics
The last three flu pandemics have features in common with H1N1 swine flu -- and show that pandemics come in waves of differing severity in different places over two or more years.
What Are the Dangers of Breathing Gravel Dust?
Breathing in anything other than clean air has the potential to cause severe damage to a person's lungs. The human body is not designed to breathe in dust. Breathing in fine, airborne particles from gravel causes severe and sometimes permanent or fatal illnesses. Some of these conditions are treatab
Facts About Flu Season
The flu is caused by the influenza virus. There are many kinds of influenza, and while some only a cause mild illness, others can make you seriously ill, even causing death. Though the flu is a respiratory infection, it is not the same as the common cold. Flu season is a time when there is an increa
Flu Vaccine Is Plentiful This Year, Health Officials Say
But Those at Low Risk Are Asked to Allow the More-Vulnerable to Get Their Shot First
Flu Vaccines Compared
A new study of healthy adults shows that the flu shot worked better than the nasal-spray flu vaccine during the 2004-2005 flu season.
What Is a Chest Cold?
According to the National Institutes of Health, a chest cold is synonymous with bronchitis. The NIH found that by telling a patient she had a "chest cold," the patient was more satisfied with not receiving a prescription for antibiotics than when they called the condition bronchitis.
Can You Get a Cold in Your Eye?
It is possible to get a cold in your eye. The condition is called conjunctivitis, more commonly known as pink eye. The reason pink eye is also often referred to as an "eye cold" is because its infectious agent is typical of a common cold.
Flu Symptoms & Treatment
Influenza, or the "flu," is a viral infection that can affect the lungs, bronchial tubes, nose and throat. Influenza A is typically prevalent between early spring and early winter, while influenza B is less seasonal, appearing throughout the year.
Is It a Cold or a Sinus Infection?
How can you tell the difference between a cold and a sinus infection? And how do you treat them?
Bird Flu Could Sweep U.S.
If a bird flu pandemic breaks out, only a vaccine can keep it from infecting virtually everyone in the U.S. and the rest of the world.
Covering Up Cold and Flu Symptoms: Beauty Tips
If you've got to look great despite your cold and flu symptoms, these beauty secrets will save the day.
Sore Throat
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of sore throat, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Influenza A Information
Influenza is a virus that can cause respiratory illnesses. The flu can be categorized into three types; A, B and C. The flu has been responsible for many pandemics through the last century, with the worst occurring in 1918. A pandemic is a type of outbreak that affects people globally. According to
Common Cold Symptoms
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of common cold symptoms including medical references, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Influenza Preparedness Checklist
Many companies and organizations draft flu preparedness checklists so they are ready before an outbreak starts.female medical nurse with syringe 2 image by fotosergio from Fotolia.comPreparing for a widespread flu outbreak requires group efforts to prevent disruptions of public services....
Flu Vaccine Tied to Short-Term Drop in Stroke Risk
Research only sees an association, not a cause-and-effect connection
Bird Flu May Be More Contagious Than Thought
Person-to-person spread of a Dutch bird flu outbreak in 2003 was much more efficient than ever seen before, researchers say.