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Diseases & Conditions : Health & Medical

The False High of Addiction

If you need a “high” in your life, stay away from drugs and alcohol and find healthy sources of excitement and fun.If you are involved in abusing drugs or addicted to drugs, you should get professiona

How to Avoid Wine Headaches

For many, a glass of wine at the end of the day is an easy way to unwind. Unfortunately, wine headaches affect a significant portion of the wine-drinking population. While the jury is still out on the exact cause of these headaches, there are definite actions you can take to avoid the post-wine poun

The Wide Ranging DetrimentalConditions Due To Obesity

Many years of study and medical expertise show how much obesity is detrimental to health. The costs to society in the US is incredible and draws near several hundred billion dollars every year. Of course ...

Will Yeast Infections Go Away Without Medication?

It is true that yeast infections can go away without being treated - that is why many people choose to ignore it. Because yeast infections are not a fatal disease we often overlook the fact that the sufferings that come along with it can be unbearable.

Contact Lenses Information for Beginners

Information on contact lenses for beginners.If you are going to use contact lenses then you should know about the types and uses of contact lenses, advantages and adverse effects of contact lenses.

What Is It Like To Have Anxiety Disorder?

The word anxiety comes from the Latin, anxietas or anxius and is defined as the abnormal apprehension of some imaginary or real thing often accompanied by increased pulse, sweating and tremors. Obviously it is natural and healthy to have some momentary anxiety about some real dangers. However, when

Stop Sweating And Start Living Find Out How This Can Help

Stop Sweating And Start Living is a book by Mike Ramsey, available only by download. It offers a unique solution to a very difficult problem. If you suffer from excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis you have ...

The Misunderstood Affliction Of Migraine Headaches

Headaches may be terribly painful, and it is something many of us have had the misfortune to endure. Migraine headaches are certainly not the ordinary run of the mill type of headache. I had a ...

Remove Your Boils By Using Boils Surgery

Boils can be caused by infected hair follicles found under the arms, infected cut and use of antibiotics. You can remove your boils either by using home remedies or by using boil surgery.

Effective Yeast Infection Cure

I'm often asked, what is the most effective natural Candida cure? The most effective natural yeast infection treatment is talked about below, and to me stands head and shoulders above any other natural treatment because ...

The Reasons for Women to Get Tired Easily

It is easier for women to get tired than men. Many women are puzzled by such a kind of phenomenon. The reasons which cause the phenomenon are various. Generally speaking, seven reasons can force women ...

Good Healthy Food

Symptons of Diabetes Go to:-[] Today's blog is about recognising Diabetic symptoms and the effect it can have on your body and functions. As usual there is a Recipe that is both nutritious and tasty. ...

How the Flu Differs From Other Viruses

You have to be cautious when looking at the differences between a common cold and the flu. While the two may seem similar in nature, the flu can be more severe.

What is Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a common skin disease that has infected almost half of the world.It is a skin disease condition that can be commonly described as small,red or bumps that usually appears around th

ADD and ADD Alternatives for Treatment

The topic of ADD and ADD alternatives for treatment can be confusing on both counts. After all it seems that with both ADD and ADD alternatives for treatment the landscape is constantly changing. It is ...

How to Reverse Fatty Liver Disease

Did you know that one third of all Americans suffer from a little known condition named "steatosis" or fatty liver? This common disease causes nausea, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, bad breath, rashes, among other small maladies that are so frequent nowadays.

Essential Information Regarding Toenail Fungus

You'll discover that some topics are best left to private places, and admittedly toenail fungus is one of those topics. There are a lot more people than you realize who contract this condition. If you ...