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First Aid & Hospitals & Surgery : Health & Medical
Post Lumbar Surgery Instructions
The lumbar region is where the five largest and strongest of the movable vertebrae are located, along with some important nerves, bones, and muscles. When any part of the lumbar region is damaged--and regular treatment options fail--then lumbar surgery is required.Apart from some minor a
Signs & Symptoms of Hyperventilating
The rapid contractions of the chest could be the cause of chest pain during hyperventilation.Take your breath image by Christophe Schmid from Fotolia.comHyperventilation is easily confused with a panic attack because initially both conditions produce a shortness of breath. However,...
What Is a Coastal Flood?
Coastal flooding is a danger worldwide. According to the U.K. Meteorological Office, "a large and increasing fraction of the world's population live along coastlines and significant numbers are already vulnerable to coastal flooding in both the developed and developing world."
Evidence Corner: Pressure Ulcer Risk Scales
What scale has the best validity and reliability indicators for predicting pressure ulcer risk?
Choking Rescue Procedure (Heimlich Maneuver)-Adult or Child Older Than 1 Year
If a person older than 1 year is choking:Stand behind the person and wrap your arms around his or her waist. If the person is standing, place one of your feet between his or her legs so you can support the person if he or she faints.Make a fist with one hand. Place the thumb side of your fist ...
Palliative Wound Treatment Promotes Healing
Pain, infection, and odor, often make wound care difficult. Learn new ways to manage end-of-life wounds.
Sutures vs Staples: Which Is Safer Following Orthopaedic Surgery?
Commentary on a study on the safest method of wound closure after orthopaedic surgery, published March 2010 in BMJ.
Hyaluronic Acid as a Treatment Option for Pressure Ulcers
Will a modicum of this molecule boost conventional treatment of pressure ulcers?
The Patient Experience
What can you, and your hospital, do to enhance patient experience? This article explores the many challenges and obstacles faced, and suggests opportunities for improvement.
Uses for Safety Goggles
More than 2,000 eye injuries occur per day, according to Federal Occupational Health. The best way to prevent injury to the eye is to wear proper eye protection. Safety goggles, also referred to as safety glasses, can effectively protect eyes in many hazardous conditions. Safety goggles are availabl
IMRT Side Effects
Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), a highly sophisticated type of radiation therapy, is becoming increasingly common in the treatment of cancer of the prostate, spine, breast, kidney, pancreas, liver, larynx, tongue and sinuses. Despite its effectiveness, IMRT poses a risk of side effects
How to Prevent Floods in MEDCs & LEDCs
Flooding occurs when areas that usually remain dry are inundated by water. Excessive rainfall and changes in the surface flow of waters causes river water to spill over from its normal flow channel into surrounding settlements. More Economically Developed Countries and Less Economically Developed Co
The Case of the One-Legged Actress
Guess the famous patient and diagnose her condition in another historical case from this popular series.
Freeze Protection for Bushes
Freezes can be terrible news for your lawn and garden. Many plants cannot withstand the cold temperatures, and bushes in particular can take quite a bit of damage when the temperature drops. However, there are ways you can protect your bushes from substantial freeze damage.
PPU: Prompt Surgery Critical for Survival
Commentary on a study on the effect of surgical delay on survival in patients with perforated peptic ulcer, published in July 2013 in the British Journal of Surgery.
Noninvasive Ventilation in Acute Respiratory Failure
Learn more on the incidence of noninvasive mechanical ventilation use for acute respiratory failure and the associated outcomes in this population-based study.
CPR Precautions
CPR is cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which saves lives. When doing CPR, rescue breathing (a person breathes into the mouth of another person), combined with chest compressions, is done when a person's heart has stopped beating or the person is not breathing. Those doing CPR must be aware of the ris
Should the Screening Age for Colorectal Cancer Be Lowered?
If the incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing in younger patients, should the recommended screening age be lowered?
American Heart Association CPR Class Description
The American Heart Association offers classes in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Many different types of classes are offered.