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Hematopathy & blood disease : Health & Medical
The Relationship Between The Heart & Blood Pressure
Blood pressure can affect the entire body, including the kidneys, lungs, brain and, in particular, the heart. Conditions linked with high blood pressure include pulmonary hypertension, which reflects the force exerted by the heart to pump blood through the body and into the lungs to become enriched
Natural Ways to Reduce Blood Sugar
An alarming number of people in the U.S. are being diagnosed with diabetes. Warnings in the media have prompted many individuals to become more aware of their blood sugar level and their overall diet. Any person who has been diagnosed with diabetes or who is concerned about developing...
Normal Ranges of Blood Test Results for Cholesterol
Your body needs cholesterol to function properly. However, too much cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease and cause atherosclerosis, the build-up of plague on artery walls. Staying in the normal cholesterol range can keep you healthy.
Hyperglycemia and Infection
If your neighbor were to tell you of his daily ritual of jabbing his finger with a needle and celebrating when a healthy-sized drop of blood resulted, you might raise your eyebrows---unless you know about diabetes. Most diabetics perform this bloodletting exercise several times a day to check glucos
Signs & Symptoms of Anemia & Hypothyrodism
When harm takes over the body and manifests itself with pox, body-wracking sneezes or broken bones, a doctor can quickly diagnose and treat the problem. On the other hand, when a body begins to suffer from an illness that doesn't present a clear, obvious cause, patients can suffer from...
Intensity Helps You To Get Beyond Your Exercise Plateau
Changing up your exercise program may be the key to achieving maximum weight loss. Incorporating short bursts of intensity during the workout is key.
What Is the Genetic Cause of Sickle Cell Anemia?
According to the Centers for Disease Control, sickle cell disease affects one in every 500 African-Americans born, and it is estimated that 2 million African-Americans (one in 12) carry the sickle cell trait. There is currently no cure for the disease, but treatment options are available.
Can Medications Raise Blood Pressure?
Some medicines can increase blood pressure and make it more difficult to control. People who are taking oral medicines should be aware of their potential effects on blood pressure and should discuss these medicines with their doctor.
What Is the Meaning of A1C in Diabetes?
A1C is a blood test used to measure average blood sugar over the previous two to three months and a crucial step in monitoring how well blood sugar is being controlled in diabetics. The A1C test is also referred to as the HbA1c test, the glycated hemoglobin test or the glycohemoglobin test.
Cholesterol Drug Guidelines
When you are taking high cholesterol medications, it is important to follow your health care professional's recommendations carefully. Here are some tips.
FLT3 Inhibitors in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Activating mutations in the FLT3 receptor can be detected in approximately 30 percent of acute myeloid leukemias and are associated with a distinctly poor clinical outcome for patients.
Niacin Tops Zetia in Cutting Artery Plaque
A prescription version of niacin beat out the cholesterol drug Zetia in slowing the buildup of plaque in artery walls, researchers report.
What Is a Normal Reading on a Nuchal Fold Translucency?
A nuchal fold translucency screening is performed during the first trimester to determine if the fetus is at risk for developing Down Syndrome or another chromosomal abnormality like Trisomy 13 or 18.
Hemostatic Disorders
Hemostatic disorders are conditions that affect the ability of blood to clot properly. Normally, our blood should clot, or form a plug, when we bleed. In some hemostatic disorders, clotting does not occur when it should. In others, clotting happens when and where it should not. Both types of disorde
Nutrition & Depression
While diet alone may not treat or cure depression, diet can affect your mental state. The brain is abuzz with activity, constantly needing tools found in food to function. The main nutrients responsible for mood are glucose (broken-apart carbohydrates), serotonin, endorphins and amino acids. Food ei
The History of Blood Testing
In the 19th century, scientists were unaware that people had different blood types. After the discovery of the differences in red blood cells, blood testing became an important part of screening for blood banks. In the 1930s and 1940s, premarital blood testing for syphilis and rubella became stand
What Are Serology ASO Quantitative Tests?
Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as Group A streptococcus, is a bacterium that causes infections, such as strep throat, scarlet fever, impetigo and cellulitis. Serious complications, specifically rheumatic fever and a type of kidney disease called glomerulonephritis, can develop when streptococcal
Thoracic, Head, and Neck Cancer
We sought to determine through a randomized trial whether chemotherapy and thoracic radiotherapy in combination is superior to thoracic radiotherapy alone in prolonging survival and preventing local recurrence in patients with completely resected stage II or IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer.
Signs & Symptoms of Acute Hyperglycemia
Acute hyperglycemia is a condition in which a person's blood glucose level is too high. The condition is common among diabetics and is a main cause of complications in people with the disease, according to the American Diabetes Association. Hyperglycemia can develop among diabetics when...
Calcium Intake and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
What are the risks or benefits of calcium supplementation on cardiovascular endpoints?