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Immune System Disorders : Health & Medical
Omega 3 Oils and Thyroid - Intake of Omega 3 Oils and the Thyroid Problem
Omega 3 oils are rich in fatty acids DHA and EPA which are known for their connection with the prevention of various diseases including depression, obesity and allergies.
How to Naturally Support Your Thyroid
Do you suffer from an underactive thyroid? The following steps will help you to naturally improve the function of the thyroid. If you have cold hands and feet, are fatigued, feel sluggish mentally and physically then read on!
Foods for Hypothyroidism - What You Should Eat and Avoid With Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland situated at the base of the throat produces insufficient thyroid hormones required for body metabolism. This situation can lead to various health problems such as constipation, weight gain, hair loss, low sex drive, heavy menstrual period, mem
How to Deal With an Anaphylactic Reaction
An anaphylactic reaction can be fatal. Its literal translation is "ana" (against), "ic" (condition) and "phylaxis" (protection). The complete term is anaphylactic shock. Anaphylactic shock can be caused by any allergen and it is essentially hypersensitivity. Identify anaphylactic shock and take th
Mucosal Healing in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Get everyday practice tools for assessing mucosal status in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.
Stop the Thyroid Insanity!
The way that low thyroid problems are handled in this country in a typical medical office or even a complementary or so called alternative medicine office is illogical. See why the majority of hypothyroid patients are not getting the treatment they deserve.
Exercises for Lymphedema
Everyone's body has a natural drainage system that cleans the cells in the body. This system transfers fluids from the organs and tissue to the veins. The lymph system has over 600 waypoints along the way called lymph nodes, according to the Mayo Clinic. The lymph drainage system can be disrupted, c
Can Broccoli Prevent Lupus?
Need yet another good reason to eat your vegetables? The cruciferous kind -- including broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower -- may prevent lupus.
Hypothyroidism and Cardiovascular Risk IV
The elevation of homocysteine is due to impaired renal clearance and alteration of thyroid hormones on the metabolism of folic acid. In contrast, the subclinical hypothyroidism is not associated with hyperhomocysteinemia. C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute phase protein that circulates in higher c
Hyperthyroidism - Can a Certain Diet Help?
Named after the Greek word for "shield," the thyroid is a gland located near the lower part of the neck (right below the Adam's apple) which secretes hormones to regulate the body's metabolism. The speed and ability at which an individual burns calories -- which in turn determine
Subclinical Hypothyroidism Treatment - Hypothyroidism Alternative Treatment
For people who are suffering subclinical hypothyroidism, alternative treatments such as food supplements are beneficial. It contains only natural ingredients and at the same time very effective. This condition affects mostly women and is a relatively common syndrome.
Radiation and Your Thyroid: 7 Essential Tips You Should Know
The devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan in March -- and damaged its Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant -- has sparked worldwide concern about the health effects of radiation exposure. What are the risks and what can you do to protect your thyroid health?
How Thyroid Problems Can Counteract Your Diet and Weight Loss Programs
If you are having trouble losing weight, and are working out every day and seeing no results, it could be because of a thyroid problem. Try these cures for thyroid disorders.
Celebrities with Lupus: Mercedes Scelba-Shorte
The number of celebrities with lupus is growing almost every day, especially since the autoimmune disease does not distinguish between class, gender, race or riches. One of those affected by lupus is model and America's Next Top Model finalist Mercedes Scelba Shorte.
The Thyroid in Weight Gain And Loss
Thyroid hormone is probably the single strongest stimulator of the metabolism, and therefore sluggish thyroid function is almost always associated with stubborn weight problems.Although decreased thyroid function can be due to problems with the gland itself, in many cases other factors are actually
What Are the Symptoms of Thyroiditis?
Thyroiditis is actually a broad expression that describes inflammation in the thyroid gland. Thyroiditis symptoms incorporate a selection of unique conditions which all trigger thyroidal inflammation and, consequently, leads to a variety of clinical presentations.
Thyromine Review - Find Out How it Works
Have you been feeling out-of-sorts these days? A kind of constant tiredness and sluggish feeling! Then get a thyroid test done. Thyroid disorder symptoms manifest in various forms and individual find difficulty in leading normal lives if the thyroid gland get underactive or overactive. Get a glimpse
Define Scleroderma
According to the Mayo Clinic, scleroderma is a type of progressive autoimmune disease that causes the body's immune system to attack its own tissues. Scleroderma primarily affects the skin, but it can also harm the kidneys, lungs, heart and digestive system.
Thyroidectomy Gone Wrong
Well thanks to my surgery I went from having an overactive thyroid which was a pain as I was always tired, to having Hypoparathyroidism which is about 100% worse, thankfully I'd didn't realize the full implications while in hospital or would have killed the doctor. Currently my meds for th
About Hypothyroidism - a Common Health Problem
Hypothyroidism or sluggish thyroid give Mental and physical fatigue, weakness, over-weight, depression and many other symptoms. Here are the causes and treatment options of this wellness problem explained.