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Immune System Disorders : Health & Medical

Living With Lupus

Experts Offer Coping Strategies for 'Living With the Wolf'

Do You Have Dysfunctional Hormones?

"It must be her hormones." How many times have you heard that sentence used to describe a female who is having an emotional meltdown?

Thyroid Problems - How to Deal With Thyroid Problems and Achieve Weight Loss

The thyroid is a small gland which you will find in the neck just below the voice box; this small gland has a very important role in your body and controls the body's metabolic processes! The thyroid regulates the rate at which food is broken down and converted into energy, if you have thyroid

Is Your Thyroid Gland Making You Overweight?

Over the past couple of years have you been extremely tired and can barely muster enough energy to get through the day? Are you gaining weight at an alarming speed?

The Role Of Your Thyroid In Psychiatric Illness

For more than a century, science has recognized the connection between the thyroid axis and several commonly experienced psychiatric diseases. Perhaps, most notably, depression.

All About Thyroids - What You Need to Know

The body is made up of eleven major systems. These groups are composed of various organs which are responsible for homeostasis. If any of these systems malfunction, other bodily organs are compromised. Therefore, it is vital to maintain balance in the body so the systems can remain fully functional.

Prevention of Asthma

Learn about multiple environmental, biologic and sociologic factors that may be important in the development of asthma.

Hypothyroidism Type II - A Modern Epidemic

Classic (Type I) Hypothyroidism is an inherited disorder that is known to affect about seven percent of the American population.Caused by the thyroid's failure to secrete adequate hormone levels, it is typically diagnosed early in life through blood tests. However, there is a far more prevalent

Fatigue Anesthesia Symptoms

After anesthesia, feelings of both physical and mental fatigue are common. Recognizing the symptoms is the best way to rule out other possible causes of fatigue and will allow you to anticipate when you can expect relief and the best ways to alleviate these symptoms.

Natural Remedies For an Underactive Thyroid

Natural remedies for underactive thyroid issues work according to natural principles to promote balance in the endocrine system. Natural remedies are a holistic way to deal with symptoms which can involve things like lifestyle and diet adjustments and thyroid support supplements like herbal remedies

Lupus News TOC

Find timely health and medical news on Lupus at WebMD.

How to Diagnose Myasthenia Gravis

Myasthenia gravis, which is Latin and Greek for grave muscle weakness, is an autoimmune neuromuscular disease that affects the skeletal muscles of the body. The affected muscles, which usually execute voluntary movements such as throwing a ball or jogging, become extremely weak after bouts of activi

Hypothyroidism, What Is It

Sometimes the thyroid fails to produce enough hormones, which upsets the normal chemical balance in your body. This imbalance causes hypothyroidism, or under active thyroid disease.

How do I Research Lymphedema?

Lymphedema is a disease that affects the lymph system in the body. When a person is suffering from lymphedema, the lymph system is blocked and sometimes damaged. This particular disease is often a complication found in cancer patients. It can be caused by the cancer itself or by the treatments for t

Lemon Balm - Herbal Treatment of Hyperthyroidism and Graves Disease

Herbal remedies are a type of alternative medicine that originates from plants and plant extracts. Treating Hyperthyroidism and Graves' Disease with conventional methods is not always effective and safe, as we want to be. Herbs like Lemon Balm can work directly on the body organs and can help t