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Medications & Drugs : Health & Medical
Information on Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein Powder 10
Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard Protein Powder comes in containers as large as 10 lbs. This formulation of Optimum Nutrition protein powder contains ingredients necessary for lean mass building and improved recovery time from working out.
Side Effects of Medical Steroids on Patients
Medical steroids or corticosteroids are a type of prescription medication used to eliminate swelling in arthritis and asthma patients, as well as to treat allergic reactions. While patients receive relief from pain, inflammation and other symptoms while taking medical steroids, some develop side eff
Side Effects of Midol
Midol is an over-the-counter naproxen medication used to treat symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Despite its effectiveness, Midol poses a risk of side effects in some patients.
Evening Primrose Oil Benefits
Evening Primrose Oil is a native North American plant, which is now found in Europe and other areas as well. It contains a high content of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), one of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids needed to form prostaglandins and hormones. GLA can only be obtained through the
Oral Modified-Release Opioid Products for Chronic Pain Management
This review compares available opioid products in terms of half-life, cost, and formulation, all factors in appropriate pain management.
Will Steroid Creams Help a Nail Fungus?
Nail fungus is not only unsightly, but it can be painful and smelly as well. According to the Mayo Clinic website, a nail fungal infection can spread from one nail to others if unnoticed or untreated. As the infection spreads and gets deeper under the nail, it can cause discoloration, thickness and
What Side Effects Do Sleeping Pills Have?
According to statistics gathered by the Neurology Channel, approximately 40 million people suffer from a long-term sleep disorder. Another 20 million suffer from short-term sleeping disorders. Many people who have sleeping disorders rely on medication to help them overcome their sleeping disorders.
The Gold Ring Test on Cheek for Iron Deficiency
Iron is a component of hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying part of red blood cells. Without enough iron, the body does not get enough oxygen causing a person with low iron to feel continuously exhausted. Iron deficiency, a type of anemia, is usually treated by increasing the amount of iron a person cons
Mucinex Fact Sheet
Mucinex has some great commercials about fighting mucus with a little green mucus monster. But what is Mucinex, and is it right for you and your symptoms?
Technique for Administering Subcutaneous Insulin Injections
People with Type I diabetes require insulin injections because their bodies do not manufacture insulin and therefore can't control blood sugar levels in the blood. People with Type 2 diabetes, or high blood sugar, may not be able to control blood sugar levels with oral medications or diet alone and
Magnesium & Breast Tenderness
Women can experience sore breasts due to cyclical reasons (the menstrual cycle) as well as when they are peri-menopausal and subjected to fluctuating hormones. When a woman has low magnesium levels, this can contribute to breast pain.
Nutrients & Vitamins in Organic Dried Papaya
Organic, dried papaya is free from sulfites and other chemicals. This is one of the differences between organic and conventional dried fruits. Buying organic will help to avoid any pesticide residues in the fruit. The papaya fruit is loaded with vitamins and minerals. It contains the enzyme papain,
Cymbalta Emotional Side Effects
Cymbalta, otherwise known by its generic name of duloxetine, is a prescription medication commonly used to treat both anxiety and depression. Much like other medications on the market today, there are potential side effects from its use, even for those patients who need the drug. Some of these side
What Are Homeopathic HGH Sprays Made From?
The fountain of youth is something that has been spoken of in novels and in the news for years. Today, many people look to homeopathic HGH to be an antidote to reverse aging, although research is ongoing to determine if this is entirely true.
Pharmacokinetics of Gemcitabine
The concentration of dFdC in ascites approached 1 mg/ml. Ascitic fluid did not serve as a depot for dFdC, and the agent's concentration in ascites approached that at which its phosphorylation is saturated.
Effects of Atypical Antipsychotics on Weight and Body Mass Index
This study suggests that weight gain and increases in BMI are associated more strongly with olanzapine therapy than quetiapine therapy in children and adolescents.
Incretin Mimetics and Dipeptidyl Peptidase-IV Inhibitors
A new generation of antihyperglycemic agents has the potential to treat several otherwise unaddressed pathophysiologic defects of diabetes.
How to Avoid Whey Protein Products Containing Creatine
While creatine may help enhance the muscle mass of an athlete or help treat people with chronic congestive heart failure, side effects range from loss of appetite to kidney damage. Because whey protein and creatine often go hand-in-hand as supplements for athletes, those who wish to reap the benefit
Croup: What It Is and How to Treat It
Movies often depict exhausted parents holding croupy babies in hot steamy bathrooms. Does this humidity help treat croup?