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Neurological Conditions : Health & Medical
An Important Finding in Huntington Disease
Could accumulation of transitional metals in specific regions of the brain provide clues to understanding and treating Huntington disease?
Baseline Lipid Profile May Not Predict Increased Stroke Risk
This study examines the association between lipid profile components and incident ischemic stroke.
Caregiving: Making a Home Safe-Topic Overview
Confusion,wandering,and memory loss can lead to accidents and injuries. Help protect the person with dementia by making your home safe. Keep rooms uncluttered,with clear walkways around furniture. Don't move furniture around because the person may become confused. Remove throw rugs to prevent tr
Lower Weight May Be Early Alzheimer’s Sign
Being overweight in middle age is now recognized as a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease, but being overweight or obese later in life is associated with a lower risk for age-related memory decline.
Women, Pregnancy, and Epilepsy
Women with epilepsy overwhelmingly have healthy babies. But it's important to work closely with doctors throughout the pregnancy to ensure that they are taking the right epilepsy medications and other supplements to prevent against birth defects. WebMD tells you more.
Taking Care of Your Bladder Is Essential With Multiple Sclerosis
Nearly 80% of persons with multiple sclerosis will develop some type of issue with their bladder function. We don't generally think about the bladder until something goes wrong with it, like when it starts to leak or we feel that something is not working correctly "down there." Then w
Assistive Devices for Multiple Sclerosis
Living with multiple sclerosis is a whole lot easier with assistive devices for bathing, cooking, dressing, getting around, and writing. Learn more from WebMD.
Is Propylparaben Dangerous?
Propylparaben is a white crystalline solid that is frequently used in cosmetics, skin care products and food. It has a generally low toxicity by ingestion. Propylparaben can irritate eyes, skin, intestinal and respiratory tracts upon contact, ingestion, and inhalation, respectively. It is also combu
The Basics of Temporal Lobe Seizures
Get the bascis on temporal lobe seizures from the experts at WebMD.
Introduction to Malignant Tumors of the Skull Base
Understanding tumor location, type, surgical approach, and reconstruction prevents complications and improve outcomes.
Fatigue at Time of CIS: Independent Predictor of MS?
Clinically isolated syndrome is often the presenting symptom of MS. Is prevalence and severity of fatigue in patients with CIS prognostic of clinically definite MS?
Odor Identification Deficits in MCI and Alzheimer's Disease
This study explores the relationship between olfactory impairment, cognition, and brain structure volumes in the healthy elderly, compared to patients with MCI or early Alzheimer's disease.
Epilepsy-When To Call a Doctor
Seizures do not always require urgent care. However, call 911 or other emergency services immediately if the person having a seizure stops breathing for longer than 30 seconds. After calling or other emergency services, begin rescue breathing.
Adenosinergic System: Therapeutics for Drug Addiction
An elucidation of the role of the neurotransmitter adenosine and the adenosinergic system in drug addiction and withdrawal syndromes may lead to new therapeutics based on the adenosinergic concept.
Cranial Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features of NMOSD vs. MS
The authors describe specific differences in imaging features which can help differentiate neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder from multiple sclerosis in MRI studies.
Neuroimaging Chronic Pain: What Have We Learned?
How does the brain work in the presence of chronic pain?
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy in MS
While natalizumab-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy remains a rare occurrence, it is still a serious cause for concern. How can the risk be assessed and mitigated?
Diet May Inspire New Epilepsy Drugs
The "ketogenic diet" might be the springboard for a new type of epilepsy drug.
Learn the Basics of Autism
WebMD provides an overview of autism spectrum disorders, including causes.
Neuropsychological Outcome After Carbon Monoxide Exposure
This study evaluated cognitive and psychiatric sequelae following carbon monoxide exposure which occurred during a natural disaster.