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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical
Effective Home Remedies For Acid Reflux - GERD and Other Stomach Pain Causes
For many years the prescription for stomach pain has been antacids to fight too much acid in the stomach. Antacid pills, lozenges, and even liquids. These are of great help for an occasional upset stomach.
Diet Tips for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a potentially serious condition, and if left untreated, increases your chances of developing certain types of cancers such as throat and esophageal cancer. With GERD, food and liquids in your stomach backflow or travel into the esophagus. This results in sym
Severity of GERD in Infected and Non-Infected H.Pylori Patients
The role of H pylori infection in GERD remains controversial. Are H pylori-infected GERD patients any different than noninfected GERD patients?
Is Intestinal Biopsy Required to Diagnose Celiac Disease?
Do patients necessarily need to undergo an intestinal biopsy in order to get a correct diagnosis of celiac disease? This new study investigates.
Epidemiology of Chronic Hepatitis B Infection in France
The authors describe epidemiologic, clinical, virological and histological features of HBsAg-positive patients followed at nonacademic hospitals in France.
Medicines for Ascites
Fluid buildup in the abdomen (ascites) is a serious problem that often develops in people who have cirrhosis. A doctor may want to perform a procedure called a paracentesis to collect a sample of fluid from the abdomen. The fluid would be analyzed to help the doctor determine the cause of the fluid
Remedy For Reflux - 6 Secrets About Curing Heartburn
A remedy for reflux that actually works! Is this even possible? You may be surprised that acid reflux is one of the simplest ailments to cure naturally. In fact, heartburn and kidney stones rank close to #1 for most popular remedies. You will see why...
Permanent Acid Reflux Cure - Is There a Permanent Cure For Heartburn?
Which heartburn sufferer hasn't dreamed about finding an acid reflux cure that would give them a permanent cure for their heartburn? Well if you are open minded about alternative treatments and remedies then you can make that dream come true. This article explains how.
Chest Pain Caused by Heart Burn
Chest pain caused by heart burn is accompanied by a burning sensation.Chest pain, pressure or tightness that is not accompanied by a burning sensation is cause for immediate medical attention.Whenever chest pain is involved it is best to use caution.
Progression and Regression of Ulcerative Colitis
What factors are associated with the progression and regression of ulcerative colitis?
HCV Treatment: What Can I Do Now? What's Coming Next?
As direct-acting antivirals continue to show success in HCV, the possibility for treatment expands to an even greater number of patient groups.
Is Surgery the Answer to Fatty Liver Disease in Children?
Experts discuss recent European guidelines recommending weight loss surgery to treat fatty liver disease, along with other comorbid conditions, in obese children and adolescents.
Chronic Pancreatitis
Is there a connection between celiac disease and pancreatitis? This new study takes a look at this and other issues in the understanding and treatment of the disease.
The Effects of PPIs on Patient-reported Severity of Dyspepsia
Do proton pump inhibitors reduce gastrointestinal clinical events in patients with dyspepsia?
How to Use Auto-Tune 5
Auto-Tune is an audio plug-in that fixes intonation problems in solo instruments or vocals in real time. It removes distortion and preserves the original performance with high audio quality. Auto-Tune 5 includes an improved pitch detection technology, a new interface and consolidated pitch tracking
Hiatal Hernia-Topic Overview
If you have been told that you have a hiatal hernia,this topic will give you some basic information about it. A hiatal hernia sometimes happens along with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). And the symptoms of a hiatal hernia are usually caused by GERD. For more information about the symptoms o
Chronic Heartburn
Heartburn is a burning pain starting behind the breastbone and radiating upwards. The hydrochloric acid from the stomach leaks into the esophagus and causes heartburn. Occasional heartburn due to rich food or other lifestyle causes is classified as mild or episodic. Heartburn occurring twice or more
Consensus Guidelines -- Hepatitis C Management
This consensus guideline provides expert opinion on the current best standard of care with available agents at this point in the rapid evolution of hepatitis C therapy.