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Vaccinations : Health & Medical
Vaccination Considerations for Business Travelers
Which vaccinations are recommended for business travelers?
Preventing Tetanus Infections-Credits
A list of contributors to the topic on Preventing Tetanus Infections.
Whooping Cough Outbreaks Tied to Parents Shunning Vaccines
Study finds that areas with high rates of nonmedical vaccine exemptions also had high number of cases
Barriers to Delivery of Influenza Vaccine to US Adolescents
What strategies can be implemented to increase adolescent uptake of the influenza vaccination?
DTap and Tdap Vaccines
WebMD explains the DTap and Tdap vaccines -- why they're given, who should get them, side effects, and other important information about these immunizations.
Cities Get Grip on Measles Outbreaks
Measles outbreaks that resulted in quarantines in two cities and 26 cases in a third now appear to be under control, health officials say.
Strep Vaccine Passes Test
A new strep vaccine may soon offer protection against one of the most common and potentially most deadly sources of infection, according to early tests of the vaccine.
Rotavirus Vaccine a Success Story
A vaccine against rotavirus, an infectious disease that causes potentially deadly diarrhea among infants, has led to a remarkable drop in hospitalizations and visits to the emergency department, researchers say.
Introducing New Vaccines in Developing Countries
This paper reviews the importance of vaccination in the prevention of infectious diseases and discusses vaccine implementation in developing countries.
Introducing New Vaccines in Developing Countries
This paper reviews the importance of vaccination in the prevention of infectious diseases and discusses vaccine implementation in developing countries.
Measles Still a Threat, U.S. Health Officials Warn
Sporadic outbreaks caused by travelers to countries without vaccination programs, doctors say
Children's Vaccines News - Timely health and medical news
Which vaccines do children need? Find in-depth information on vaccines for children and teens, including immunization schedules and vaccine safety information.
Medications used to treat meningitis depend on the organism causing the infection, the extent of the infection, and the person's age and general health.
Vaccine Information Statements-Other Places To Get Help
A list of resources for information on Vaccine Information Statements.
More Than 1 in 10 Parents Don't Follow Vaccination Schedule
More than 1 in 10 parents of young children don't follow the recommended vaccination schedule, new research shows.
Considerations for Setting the Specifications of Vaccines
How do we control potency, safety and possible contamination of vaccinations?
Vaccine Helps Fight Ear Infections
A vaccine can reduce cases of bacterial pneumonia and ear infections in children, according to a study in the journal <EM>Pediatrics</EM>.
MMR Vaccine
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of MMR vaccines including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.