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Intellectual property Law : Law & Legal & Attorney

Real Estate Attorney Los Angeles and their Useful Role

The majority of people feel that they do need to acquire the service of a legal representative as they think that they cannot handle the legal representation that is required when dealing with the sale ...

Difference Between a Copyright and a Trade Name

Copyright and trade name or trademark protection is available from the United States government to protect a variety of works. The protection available depends on the type of work created.

How to Choose a Registerable Trademark

A trademark is often the greatest asset of a company. It carries along with it invaluable goodwill and consumer trust. Since registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the only way to protect your company’s mark nationwide, knowing how to choose a mark that is

The Statute of Limitations for a Trademark Infringement

Trademark infringement claims are heard in a federal court. There is no specific federal statute of limitations -- it depends on the state in which the claim is heard. Per the Lanham Act of 1946, the courts will apply the most applicable or "analogous" state law to the case to determine the statute

Chinese Patent Laws

In China patent laws protect courts image by Peter Helin from Fotolia.comThe patent law of the People's Republic of China was first adopted at the Sixth National People's Congress on March 12, 1984. The law has since been amended in 1992 and in 2000. The law aims to...

Denied For HAMP?

In November of 2010, the U.S. Department of Treasury issued an update to HAMP underwriting and borrower assistance requirements for lenders and servicers in response to mandates of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer ...

Intellectual Property - Community Trade Marks - Likelihood of Confusion

In GfK AG v Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) (2005), a company's application for a community trade mark was rejected on the grounds that there was a likelihood of confusion with a previously registered German trade mark. On 15 November 1999, the applicant applied for a Com

How to Copywrite a Phrase or Slogan

Slogans and phrases cannot be copyrighted in the same way that movies, music and computer software are copyrighted for protection. It is possible, however, to register a slogan or catchphrase as a trademark. Whereas copyright is intended to protect an original creation, trademarks are designed to p

Real Estate Law-BK Law,Mississauga

Real estate law falls under the civil Law branch that covers all the Land Issues like Buying, Selling and Lease.This has been categorized into two types mainly for the commercial Purpose and for the Residential ...

How Do Patents & Copyrights Promote Innovation?

Historically, copyrights and patents have represented legal protections for inventors and creators to feel comfortable that their new works won’t be stolen as soon as they are created. This approach has been seen as a method of leveling the field, providing punitive damages in court against bi

Japanese Patent Act

Patent law in Japan is based on the Patent Act of 1959 (See References 1 and 2). Article 1 of the Japanese Patent Act states the law's purpose is "to encourage inventions" (See Reference 2). The Patent Act contained unique ideas, including the definition of key terms like "invention" and patent infr

Why Is Napster Illegal?

The original version of Napster was illegal because it violated U.S. copyright law by allowing people to trade and download music they did not own. The legal case surrounding Napster was one of the first of its kind and helped set legal precedents that hold services such as Napster responsible for

How Do Utility Patent Lawsuits Work?

A patent issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) grants the patent's holder the right to prevent others from making the patented item or using the patented method. This is known as "practicing the patent." If another person practices the patent without permission from the p

How to View Patents

A patent is an exclusive right to anyone who invents or discovers a useful and new process, machine or improvement. A legal patent is applied for by an inventor, and if granted becomes the exclusive right to an invention granted by the government to the inventor(s) and any assignees. All patents are

Online Brand Abuse Report in Jordan

Jordan Industrial sector in the present preview are undergoing tough competitions. The worth reasons of these competitions are massive rise of industries in Amman. There are numerous brands of product and services are available in ...

How to Complete a Patent Application

Inventors desiring intellectual property protection must complete a patent application and submit it for review with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Unfortunately for inventors, no standard patent application form exists; inventors must author their own patent applications in their ent