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Lung Health : Health & Medical
Definition of Progression Free Survival
Progression free survival is a term used to describe an individuals response to treatment or the results of a clinical trial. What does this term mean?
Risks From Animal Diseases Growing
Diseases spread by birds, mosquitoes, cattle, and other animals are a growing problem for humans -- affecting millions of people a year, according to a new study.
What Oxygen Saturation Levels Mean for Survival
When a person breathes in oxygen from air, it goes into the lungs. Red blood cells in the blood bind to oxygen in the lungs, then the heart pumps this oxygen rich blood through out the body. Oxygen saturation is the amount of oxygen in the blood and oxygen is necessary for survival.
Inhaled Steroids Slow COPD
Researchers say the use of inhaled steroids in COPD treatment is controversial but the results of a new study show that long-term use of the drugs may help slow the progression of the disease.
Health Symptoms of Breathing Sewer Gas
Hydrogen sulfide gas, also known as sewer gas, is the result of bacterial breakdown of organic material, such as human and animal waste. It can also result from industrial processes, such as food processing, leather tanning and the refinement of petroleum. Low-level exposure to sewer gas can make yo
Is Your Breathing Rate Normal?
Are you wondering what a normal respiratory rate is? This is an important question to ask, as an abnormal rate can be a sign of serious illness.
COPD Rates May Rise as Population Ages
The worldwide burden of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is far greater than has previously been recognized, and it will increase over the next few decades as the world population ages.
Facts About Streptococcus Pneumoniae
Streptococcus pneumoniae affects people around the globe and is commonly referred to as pneumococcal bacteria or pneumococcus. It affects both children and adults alike and works by infecting the upper respiratory system, resulting in pneumonia and sometimes also bodily infections like meningitis, s
A Quick Guide to Pancoast Tumors of the Lung
A pancoast tumors is a lung cancer that has a unique set of symptoms. What is a pancoast tumors,what are the symptoms, how are they diagnosed, how are they treated, and what is the prognosis?
How Does a Punctured Lung Affect Breathing?
What is a punctured lung?Medically speaking, a punctured lung is synonymous with a collapsed lung, also known as a pneumothorax. Punctured lungs which are similar to collapsed lungs, work by eliminating the pleural pressure that helps to aid lung expansion. When a lung becomes...
Kernel of Truth About Butter Flavoring
Researchers study the lung risks from the artificial butter flavor chemical diacetyl.
Left Breathless?
Shortness of breath so extreme it's difficult to talk, or even get dressed in the morning without feeling exhausted -- that's what doctors call chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Effectiveness of Manual Chest Physiotherapy on COPD
Is chest PT still relevant for treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - months after acute episodes?
How to Accept Criticism More Easily
Receiving criticism can hurt your feelings, make you angry and put you on the defensive. Although everyone receives criticism throughout their lives, it can make you feel alone and like a failure. It is much more productive to accept the criticism gracefully and use it to determine how you can impro
On Treatment but Still Sleepy
CPAP effectively reduces sleepiness in most obstructive sleep apnea patients, but some stay drowsy. What can be done for the daytime dozers?
Relationship of Inflammation to Hospitalization in Cystic Fibrosis
In cystic fibrosis, what is the relationship of inflammatory biomarkers to lung function and hospitalization history?
Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia: Associations, Outcomes
Is idiopathic NSIP a first manifestation of an underlying systemic autoimmune disease?
Normal Oxygen Saturation Levels in Children
An oxygen saturation level reflects the amount of oxygen-rich blood passing through the bloodstream. Defined by the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Hawaii, a normal oxygen level for children is when at least 97 percent of the bloodstream is saturated.
B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) in the Evaluation of Pulmonary Diseases
Dr. Shorr discusses study results assessing the value of B-type natriuretic peptide as a restratification tool for patients with acute COPD exacerbations and for spontaneous breathing trial patients.