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Reptiles : Pets & Animal
How to Get Garchomp With Thrash
In the "Pokemon" video games, Garchomp is a Dragon- and Ground-type Pokemon that resembles a hammerhead shark. Garchomp can learn a variety of powerful attacks as it grows; however, it can only learn Thrash, a powerful Normal-type move, through the breeding process. If a female Garchomp breeds with
What Kind of Animals Live in New Mexico?
New Mexico is rich in biodiversity, ranked fourth-highest in number of native species by NatureServe. New Mexico is dry, with a relatively low variety of amphibian and freshwater species. However, this dry environment provides a suitable home for a range of spiders, other arachnids, and insects.
How to Care for a Yellow Bellied Slider Turtle When You Go Away
When you go away from home, it's natural to worry about your pets. Yellow bellied slider turtles can easily go for a few days without attention. As long as the temperatures are kept consistent and the water is clean, they will be fine. With a few preparations, pet turtles may not even notice your ab
How to Take Care of Toads
Toads are amphibians in the same family as frogs. Toads are typically brown and have dry, lumpy skin. The lumps on a toad's skin help the animal blend into its surroundings. Although some toads can swim in water, they primarily live on land. According to Reptile Channel, most toad eggs hatch into t
How To Treat The Common Ailments Of Your Python
The health of your pet python needs to be given top priority. Mostpetpython owners don't realize that common python ailments can often be detected and handled at home. Vomiting, constipation and scale rot are some common ailments of pythons. Their cause and treatment are discussed here.
Leopard Tail Gecko - What To Do When the Tail Falls Off?
Collecting Leopard gecko is such a rewarding feeling. Geckos are magnificent and lovable creatures with amazing colors, but there is something strange about this pet that makes some freak out - a condition called Leopard gecko tail loss.
Red Eye Tree Frog Care Sheet
Red Eye Tree Frogs are a colorful and interesting species to keep as pets. Easily one of the brightest colored of all frog species.
How to Identify Washington Salamanders
From the deadly vice grip of the coastal giant salamander to the cute disposition of the rough-skinned newt, Washington's salamanders are known for a wide variety of distinctive traits and appearances. With an abundance of water, rocks and grassy areas, Washington is home to 14 different kinds of sa
How to Find Freshwater Turtle Nests in the Wild
Finding and observing a freshwater turtle's nest could lead to a lifetime of animal study and conservation efforts. Of the approximately 320 turtle species existing in the world, the United States has 57. The Smithsonian National Zoological Park reports that more than a third of the world's freshwat
Are Pet Store Turtles a Ripoff?
Serious turtle enthusiasts insist that you should never buy a pet store turtle. Then they will tell you horror stories of pet store turtles that died within months of purchase and looked sickly since day one. Some of these claims are absolutely true, but that does not mean you have to go to a breede
Garter Snakes As Pets - The Basics You Need To Know
The garter snakes (genus Thamnophis) are perhaps the best-known snakes in North America. Most are characterized by the presence of stripes running the length of their bodies on a dark background. They are a hardy snake and do well in captivity.
What Pets Can Chameleons Live With?
Chameleons are territorial.Chameleon image by Hendrik Schwartz from Fotolia.comIf you would like a pet to show off, instead of one to share playtime, a chameleon may be just what you need. Impressive in looks, a chameleon can change its colors and sports a tongue that can equal its body...
Soft Shell Turtle Diet
The term soft-shelled turtles encompasses a wide range of species of turtles that are found in nearly every type of waterway in the world. Every species of soft-shelled turtle is different in terms of its diet and maintenance, but there are overall patterns and guides that work for most of them.
The Types of Bearded Dragons
Bearded dragons can be found in homes across the globe. Despite being bred all over the world, all bearded dragons originate from Australia where their habitat varies depending upon the species of dragon. The name "bearded dragon" comes from the prominent beard under the animal's throat, which is a
How to Raise & Feed Tadpoles
Raising tadpoles with children is an excellent way to show them the different stages of life and to teach them about growth and change. Tadpoles can be located in several ponds, streams and small bodies of water throughout the United States. The most effective way to catch a tadpole to grow at home
Interesting Facts About Alligator Snapping Turtles
Male alligator snapping turtles weigh between 155 and 175 pounds when fully grown. They are the largest known freshwater turtle and are often compared with dinosaurs because of their primitivelike appearance. They have large heads with strong, beaklike jaws and spiky ridges running along their shell
All About Frog Eggs
Frog eggs are the beginning of a frog's life, which is also known as evolution. The egg of the frog is a kind of huge cell, which is nearly one and a half times larger than an ordinary frog cell. The upper hemisphere of frog eggs, known as animal pole, is dark in color but the hemisphere that i
5 Important Questions To Ask Before Buying a Bearded Dragon
This article provides useful information about what questions to ask a bearded dragon breeder before you buy your new pet dragon. You'll discover helpful tips such as why age is important, the significance of a bearded dragons eating habits and how to tell if the beardie is healthy and in good
What are the Differences Between Reptiles, Amphibians and Mammals?
Many know that mammals (including humans) grow hair, differentiating them from other types in the animal world. External variations in skin type provide a good starting point. However, several other differences separate mammals from reptiles and amphibians. Body temperature, metabolism, hearts and b