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Public Health : Health & Medical
Talking About Weight With Youth and Families
Having the "weight conversation" will be a little more comfortable with these strategies from the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity.
Multimorbidity Prevalence Across Socioeconomic Determinants
How well do clinicians understand the concept of multimorbidity, and how can it help them to effectively diagnose and treat their patient populations?
Total Smoking Bans in Psychiatric Inpatient Services: Benefits and Barriers
How can smoking bans benefit psychiatric patients, especially in hospital settings?
Diabetes in US Women on the Rise Independent of Risk Factors
Much attention has been given to the known risk factors that are contributing to increased incidence of diabetes, especially in women. But is diabetes on the rise independently of these factors?
Use of Social Media Among Public Health Departments
How could social media potentially assist clinicians in the public health field to spread the word about preventive medicine and other issues?
Mass Screening for Celiac Disease in Adolescents
How do adolescents feel about undergoing screening for diseases such as celiac? This study takes a look at their reactions and at those of their parents, too.
Effects of Shift Schedule Change on Work Ability of Nurses
How do requested, forced and denied shift schedule changes affect nurses' health and ability to cope with working life?
Radiation Exposure Concern and Distress in Rescue Workers
How common are fears about radiation exposure in certain rescue workers, and how does psychological distress manifest in this subset of patients?
Factors That Motivate Smokers to Quit
Why do people continue to smoke, despite having access to a range of smoking cessation interventions? This study sought to determine the key factors that influence the decision to stop smoking.
Free Clinic Movement: America's Best-Kept Healthcare Secret
This interview with the executive director of the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics offers insight on the increasing value and role of these clinics in the era of healthcare reform.
Varenicline vs. Nicotine Replacement for Smoking Cessation
Which is more effective for quitting smoking in real-world use: nicotine replacement or varenicline?
Noise Exposure and Hypertension: A Silent Relationship
Excessive noise is becoming ubiquitous in our society, both in the workplace and outside of it. Could noise be adversely effecting our blood pressure?
Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Death for Different Stroke Types
What level of alcohol use is considered safe, and at what point could someone be putting themselves at risk for a stoke? This study explores the issue.
The Context of Violent Disagreements Between Parents
Intimate partner violence is a prevalent public health problem affecting millions of families. What are common triggers?
Cannabis, Other Predictors of Cigarette Use in Young Men
This study looks at the use of cannabis as well as other potential factors which might serve as a gateway to cigarette smoking in young men.
Disparities in Attending Diabetes Self-management Programs
How likely is it that patients who are newly diagnosed with diabetes will attend self-management education programs? This new study looks at the data.
Teen Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drug Abuse
Read this eye-opening article about generation Rx, and check your medicine cabinet.
Emergency Response in the Public Health Workforce
How well prepared are public health workers for dealing with disasters and emergency situations? This new study looks at the data across a number of different jurisdictions.
Inadequate Sleep and Obesity in the US Adult Population
Evidence shows that U.S. adults have been sleeping less and less. Is this trend contributing to the increased prevalence of overweight and obesity?
Lifetime History of Indoor Tanning in Young People
This new report outlines the potentially serious risks in indoor tanning in young people. What types of problems could present in this subset of patients?