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Family : Family & Relationships
The Diagnosis of Death
The duty of a medical doctor is not confined only in the treatment of his patients, but also there are several other duties to be performed. One among them is death diagnosis, and in case of any unnatural death, reporting the same to the concerned authorities.
Pre Paid Funeral Plans Make Old Age More Enjoyable
In the last few years, prepaid funeral plans have become extremely popular in the UK, USA and Western Europe for a number of reasons. They are especially attractive to a range of buyers across all sectors of society thanks to the economic climate, which at the time of writing, favours spenders inste
Palliative Care - What Every Senior Should Know About Hospice Care
Another word for Hospice care is Palliative Care. Palliative care ensures that a person who has an incurable condition suffers as little as possible, and that all the physical, emotional and spiritual needs are satisfied.
Headstone Inscriptions
The following information has been collated as a useful guide to those writing inscriptions. Although there are no specific rules inscriptions normally contain a minimum for name, date of birth and date of death.
Helping a Child Cope With the Grieving Process
If a young child experiences the death of someone or something close to him/her, the feelings of sadness afterward can be difficult for them to comprehend and live with. Dying is part of the cycle of life but for children their first experience with death can be especially traumatic. Here are some s
Choosing the Right Coffin
When we think of coffins, the immediate thought that comes to our mind is death. Well, death may not be the best thing we would want to think about, but the sad truth is that it is inevitable.
Save Money and the Environment With a Green Burial
If you have spent your entire life working hard to do your part to keep our environment vibrant and healthy, then a green burial is something you should strongly consider. Thankfully, a recent poll through the American Association of Retired Person's website showed that more than 70% of people
Cremation Urns to Keep the Memory of Your Loved One Alive
It has been proven that the burial ceremony of cremation started during the early Stone Age around 3000 B.C. mostly in the near East or Europe. With time it spread worldwide and became the most common burial tradition. The Roman Empire between 27 B.C to 395 A.D saw many embracing this particular bur
What Happens If You Don't Appoint Guardians
Your children are usually the most important people in your life and you would do anything to protect them - but what about if you aren't around anymore? Let's think about the situation where you and your partner have both passed away, who will bring up your children then?
Funeral Etiquette for Cremation Ceremonies
More often in today's society, people are opting for cremation as part of their final wishes. When someone opts for their remains to be cremated, the funeral is somewhat different from a traditional funeral, in which the body is typically present in a casket, whether it is open or closed. Funer
Prepaid Funeral Arrangements
Funerals are one of the most difficult things that people can go through in their lives. Most times, people make really costly mistakes and spend much more than they should on funerals because at that point in time, there are susceptible to buying with their emotions rather than with their heads. Ho
Memorial Headstones - Selecting The Perfect Stone
When selecting the perfect memorial headstone for your loved one careful consideration must be taken. They are available in different materials, grades, and prices as well as colors.
Arranging A Funeral For A Loved One
Whether you're considering a cremation or traditional burial service, for your loved one, there is a lot of organizing to do and making the right decisions is very important. Many people now choose cremation as it is a much more cost-effective option to a conventional burial. The increasing exp
Cremation Keepsake Urns - Helping Families Celebrate Life
How can a cremation keepsake urn help families celebrate during a time of loss? These vessels can be highly personalized and reflect a loved one's personality, life passions - it just takes the ability to look around for the ideal vessel.
Learn More About the Cremation Process
Losing someone dear is definitely the most unfortunate thing that could happen to someone, however we all have to go through this some time or another. One alternative to a traditional burial is through cremation. This article will give you the nuts and bolts of the cremation process.
Alzheimer Disease and Dementia - Dealing With Caregiver Stress
Being a caregiver for an elderly parent or friend is more than a demanding and challenging task. It is 24/7 ordeal full of compassion and even guilt. It is not an easy task. Yet you may feel that either you "must do it" or it is your "duty". How do you prevent then, in care givin
What To Wear To A Funeral
How to dress appropriate for a funeral is a sensitive topic, but one that many people have questions about. Taking a few minutes to consider what you're going to wear to a funeral is important, since you want to make sure you look respectful. Below are a few guidelines to keep in mind when you&
Funeral Planning - TSA Regulations for Transporting a Body
Small details like transporting a body are exactly the kind of indelicate aspects of final arrangements that you do not want to be forced to think about in the midst of grief. Being informed ahead of time is the key to easing the pain. And there are actual very simple but mandatory steps to follow w
Different Eco-Friendly Caskets And Urns
Today, it is a great idea for you to prepare your funeral so your loved one will not be stressed out in case you leave them. Death is sometimes a very sensitive issue to talk about; however, it is still beneficial for you to prepare for it.
Burial Versus Cremation - Or "Beetleization" Vs "Promession!"
A very different look at some new alternatives to traditional burial or cremation. The new 'green' or natural burial by nature's 'burying beetle', and the new greener method of a cremating a body by flash-freezing and then 'granulating'.