Your Thyroid and How It Works
Your thyroid gland is quite small and located in the area of your windpipe near your Adam's Apple.
While it may be a small organ it has a mighty big job to do every single day by regulating T3 and T4 hormones, which are responsible namely for metabolism.
Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can be the result of a thyroid that is not functioning properly.
An overactive thyroid is referred to as a hyperthyroid, which means the gland is producing too much of the T3 and T4 hormones.
This normally results in symptoms such as weight loss without any effort, hair loss, and nervousness, to name a few.
A blood test to look at the levels of the T3 and T4 is needed to make a definitive diagnosis.
Treatment options of hyperthyroidism consists of giving the patient medication that slows down the release of the hormones T3 and T4, sometimes these drugs are called anti-thyroid drugs.
These medicines can sometimes be difficult to prescribe, in that symptoms can come back after being off of them for 6 months, and in children, where their rapid growth makes the proper amount of medication difficult to measure.
An under active thyroid is called a hypothyroid, and this refers to the gland not producing enough of the hormones T3 and T4.
These symptoms are often the opposite of hyperthyroidism in that the patient typically gains weight and has a very hard time losing it, often feel very fatigued, and can also have hair loss, just to name a few of the main symptoms.
This is also diagnosed with a blood test to see where the thyroid hormones levels are at.
If it is hypothyroidism, the person is given medication that synthetically adds T3 and T4 to the body.
Most patients are told that they will be taking this medication for the rest of their lives, however medical practices such as Integrative Health of Orlando are innovators in developing treatment plans that eliminate these medications altogether.
Any symptoms relating to an under active or overactive thyroid should immediately be brought to the attention of your primary care provider because the test is quite standard in making the diagnosis.
This standard test is as the A1c Test is to those being diagnosed with diabetes.
Therefore, the sooner you are diagnosed and treatment is started, you will be able to start feeling better and continue living your life in a more functional way.
Many people do not realize how badly they felt until they begin treatment and suddenly realize that they had not felt very well for a long while.
While it may be a small organ it has a mighty big job to do every single day by regulating T3 and T4 hormones, which are responsible namely for metabolism.
Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can be the result of a thyroid that is not functioning properly.
An overactive thyroid is referred to as a hyperthyroid, which means the gland is producing too much of the T3 and T4 hormones.
This normally results in symptoms such as weight loss without any effort, hair loss, and nervousness, to name a few.
A blood test to look at the levels of the T3 and T4 is needed to make a definitive diagnosis.
Treatment options of hyperthyroidism consists of giving the patient medication that slows down the release of the hormones T3 and T4, sometimes these drugs are called anti-thyroid drugs.
These medicines can sometimes be difficult to prescribe, in that symptoms can come back after being off of them for 6 months, and in children, where their rapid growth makes the proper amount of medication difficult to measure.
An under active thyroid is called a hypothyroid, and this refers to the gland not producing enough of the hormones T3 and T4.
These symptoms are often the opposite of hyperthyroidism in that the patient typically gains weight and has a very hard time losing it, often feel very fatigued, and can also have hair loss, just to name a few of the main symptoms.
This is also diagnosed with a blood test to see where the thyroid hormones levels are at.
If it is hypothyroidism, the person is given medication that synthetically adds T3 and T4 to the body.
Most patients are told that they will be taking this medication for the rest of their lives, however medical practices such as Integrative Health of Orlando are innovators in developing treatment plans that eliminate these medications altogether.
Any symptoms relating to an under active or overactive thyroid should immediately be brought to the attention of your primary care provider because the test is quite standard in making the diagnosis.
This standard test is as the A1c Test is to those being diagnosed with diabetes.
Therefore, the sooner you are diagnosed and treatment is started, you will be able to start feeling better and continue living your life in a more functional way.
Many people do not realize how badly they felt until they begin treatment and suddenly realize that they had not felt very well for a long while.