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Eating the Right Diet With a Thyroid Problem

Proper nutrition is so important for living a healthy life.
Eating right can ward off many of today's most debilitating diseases.
"You are what you eat," is more than just an old saying.
It is the basic truth behind health and nutrition.
A diet high in sugar and refined foods will eventually come back to haunt you in some way.
To have a healthy body and to support your thyroid and your emotional state, you need to eat a healthy diet.
These foods are thought to be bad for thyroid health: cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, kale, soy and broccoli.
 So it may be wise to avoid them if you have thyroid disease.
In addition, these foods should be avoided or used in moderation: sugar, refined food, wheat, alcohol, caffeine, and dairy products.
If you have hypothyroidism, your body may respond much better if you consume small meals several times a day instead of three large meals.
Try limiting your meals to around 300 calories each and eating six to seven times a day.
In developed countries it is unusual for lack of iodine to be a cause of hypothyroidism or too much iodine to be the cause of hyperthyroidism.
However, sometimes it is recommended to include seaweed, particularly bladderwrack, in your diet in order to increase natural iodine.
Try to consume a diet that is filled with plenty of high fiber foods that are low in calories.
Select foods that are low on the glycemic index.
Eat healthy foods which will provide you with plenty of energy and avoid empty calories.
Coincidentally, the Zone Diet by Dr.
Barry Sears advocates following these dietary principals as well.
The Zone Diet was not developed to treat hypothyroidism but it appears as if it might be helpful.
The Zone Diet author advises people to eat a balanced meal each time food is consumed, even if it is a snack.
The meal should contain protein, carbohydrates and a healthy fat.
An easy way to follow the zone diet is to divide your plate into thirds.
One third of your plate is reserved for lean protein in the form of meat or fish.
The portion size should equal the size of the palm of your hand.
The other two thirds of your plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables.
Include a dash of healthy fats such as a macadamia nut or olive oil.
The Zone Diet acts to bring your metabolism back to normal by keeping insulin and cortisol levels steady throughout the day and eliminating spikes which normally occur when a person with a malfunctioning thyroid eats a meal.
Even if you have a very slow metabolism due to hypothyroidism, by closely following the Zone Diet, you may find that you can finally begin to shed those unwanted pounds.
You don't have to worry about the Zone Diet being an unhealthy fad diet either since it allows you to eat a healthy diet and consume it in quantities that satisfy your hunger.
This way of eating is more about maintaining healthy hormone levels rather than controlling calories.
The Zone Diet does limit your carbohydrates, at least from refined foods.
The reason this is effective for people with thyroid disease is because your body is pretty sluggish when it comes to processing carbohydrates which is why they get stored on your body as fat.
By keeping your insulin levels steady throughout the day, this allows your body to go to work and break down the complex carbohydrates that you are allowed to eat which prevents those from being stored as fat also.
Thyroid disease also places a lot of mental and physical stress on your body which causes your cortisol levels to rise.
Cortisol has an effect upon insulin which further effects your weight and metabolism.
The Zone Diet works to keep your cortisol levels steady which can alleviate some of the physical stress on your system.
When your insulin levels are chronically out of range, your body becomes insulin resistant.
Insulin resistance and too much cortisol in your body set the stage for chronic health conditions like Type II diabetes and thyroid disease.
Begin to view your food as medicine instead of something you eat for pleasure or to quiet your hunger.
Consider what effect the food will have on your body.
Avoid anything that will give you a sugar rush and signal your pancreas for a corresponding spike of insulin.
Eat healthy whole foods that will nourish your body and not put more stress upon your overworked system.
 emotional well being.
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