Do You Think You Have A Problem With Social Phobia Disorder - Or Is It NothingTo Worry About?
Just about everyone at some point in their life has had an experience with anxiety during a social engagement, the scary thing for most, they have not got a clue what is happening. In fact it was only about 8% of people, during a recent study, who said they have never had anxious feelings at all. I want to cover a couple of situations that usually trigger an anxiety attack in performance situations for people who have this disorder.
Examples of social performances that constantly triggers anxiety for a victim with social phobia disorder!
Speaking in meetings.
Participating in sporting activities.
Performing on a stage.
Speaking in public.
Eating or drinking in front of other people.
Being in public in general.
Being in shopping mall.
Being on a bus or a train .
These are every day things for most people, for someone who suffers with this disorder it is a night mare to even think about participating in any of these activities.
Examples of Social Interaction, that constantly triggers anxiety for a victim with social phobia disorder!
Going to a dinner, or a party.
Initiating in conversation.
Meeting strangers.
Having friends over for dinner.
Being intimate
Being around people in authority.
Quite often, individuals with social phobia disorder avoid engaging in a social situations, in fear of having an anxiety attack.
If the above examples sound very familiar to you, then you seriously need to consider getting the appropriate help to fix this disorder.
It will not, I will repeat my self, it will not go away with out the proper treatment. If you choose to ignore the symptoms and stay at home rather then enjoy your life, you are in for a nasty shock.
The issues I pointed out above, are not the only issues you will have to deal with if you do not take control and get help.
I want you to click the link to my web site, go and educate your self on this horrible disorder, the good news is there is a very easy and effective way to cure social phobia disorder, it is natural and it works. Do not be a victim because you think you have to!
Examples of social performances that constantly triggers anxiety for a victim with social phobia disorder!
Speaking in meetings.
Participating in sporting activities.
Performing on a stage.
Speaking in public.
Eating or drinking in front of other people.
Being in public in general.
Being in shopping mall.
Being on a bus or a train .
These are every day things for most people, for someone who suffers with this disorder it is a night mare to even think about participating in any of these activities.
Examples of Social Interaction, that constantly triggers anxiety for a victim with social phobia disorder!
Going to a dinner, or a party.
Initiating in conversation.
Meeting strangers.
Having friends over for dinner.
Being intimate
Being around people in authority.
Quite often, individuals with social phobia disorder avoid engaging in a social situations, in fear of having an anxiety attack.
If the above examples sound very familiar to you, then you seriously need to consider getting the appropriate help to fix this disorder.
It will not, I will repeat my self, it will not go away with out the proper treatment. If you choose to ignore the symptoms and stay at home rather then enjoy your life, you are in for a nasty shock.
The issues I pointed out above, are not the only issues you will have to deal with if you do not take control and get help.
I want you to click the link to my web site, go and educate your self on this horrible disorder, the good news is there is a very easy and effective way to cure social phobia disorder, it is natural and it works. Do not be a victim because you think you have to!