How to Replace Citronella Cans
- 1). Remove the full citronella refill can from the packaging and take off the top. Place the anti-bark dog collar on a flat surface to make it easier to refill the citronella container.
- 2). Place the box on the collar that holds the citronella spray with the two ports facing upward. There is a spray port and a refill port. The refill port is the larger of the two.
- 3). Shake the refill citronella can prior to inserting the tip into the collar. Turn the refill citronella can so that the tip is facing downwards. Insert the tip of the refill can into the refill port of the citronella box.
- 4). Place downward pressure on the citronella refill can for 20 seconds to completely fill the citronella collar box with citronella oil. Thread the box back onto the dog collar.
- 5). Secure the anti-bark collar around your dog's neck so that the spray nozzle points toward your dog's nose. Dispose of the empty citronella can in the trash.
Replacing a Citronella Can in an Anti-Bark Dog Collar