Video: How to Do Shoelaces in the Hair
Video Transcript
Hi, I'm Michelle Simone and I'm a Hairstylist. And today, I'm going to show you how to put shoelaces in your hair; in this case, we're going to braid it into your hair. So, I've sectioned off her hair into two sides so that we can have two French braids. And I'm just tying this off with the hair band to get it out of the way. And then, I'm going to grab my shoelace which I've cut into half because her hair is shorter, so you're not going to want the whole length of the shoelace. And I'm going to start by taking the top section of hair as you would for a French braid and I'm pinning the shoelace right under the top. Take a bobby pin, pin it underneath so it's secure. And then, you're going to take your hair with the shoelace and section it into two pieces, the shoelace will be the third. This will be one piece of your French braid. So, start braiding as you would normally and then as you go, just take a section of hair with the shoelace and fold it over. Take a section from the top, incorporate with the left strand, fold it right over the top and then section from the bottom, fold it over the top. You're going to continue that throughout your hair until you get to the bottom. So, as you go, make sure that the shoelace is at the top of each section that you're using and that way, it'll still show as you braid. You're going to continue on, grabbing a piece from the left, adding it to the left strand, folding it over. Same thing on the right, fold it over. Once you get to the bottom or where your hair isn't long enough to braid anymore, just finish it off and tie it with a rubber band. If your shoelace is too long, don't worry about that, we can always pin it up at the end or cut it short. But, for now we'll leave it so we can do the other side. You're going to do the exact same thing on the other side. First, you're going to pin the shoelace and then you're going to use it as one section of your French braid. So, once you've got both of the sides braided like this, you can do a couple of different things. You can either leave it this way and cut off the ends or you can choose to pin the hair up and even tie this around into a headband at the top. And now, you have a really cute hairstyle using shoelaces.