If you"re looking for serious, permanent weight loss, then this article is exactly what you need.
If you'd like to lose weight fast and keep it off, then a low carbohydrate, high-roughage diet can kick start your weight loss regimen like nothing else I know all of.
This is the kind of strict, portion-controlled low-carb diet that the very strict test and most successful weight-loss organizations use when first getting someone's over-eating habits under control.
These diet plans allow for three high-bulk meals every day with no snacks in between meals and everything you drink counted as well. any foods or with the added sugar or flour of any kind are completely eliminated. And every meal must be written down in a food diary and carefully weighed and measured.
All soda-pop soft drinks and sodas are eliminated and so are alcoholic drinks and coffee or tea, except for the decaffeinated versions.
Fresh salads and fruits are encouraged and most meals include two measured cups of these healthy high-fiber foods, plus a weighed amount of lean meat, fish, cheese, beans or tofu as your protein.
This kind of strictness cannot be achieved by one person alone, it has to be done by accepting a more experienced person as a sponsor and being humble enough to do exactly as they tell you.
So if you have tried every diet out there only to lose a little weight at first then put all back, then join the club you're not alone. This happens to almost everyone.
For many, the answer is to join a not-for-profit fellowship such as CEA-HOW or Food Addicts In Recovery Anonymous (F.A.) which both use the 12 Steps to recovery system.
Both these fellowships are very strict, so they are not for everybody. But the methodology does work, if you're willing to let it do for you what you cannot do for yourself.
The Twelve Steps were invented and perfected by A.A. during the 1920s, and have been adopted by scores of self-help groups since that time. You can be helped by good folks who have already done the hard yards and been successful. All you have to do is go to meetings and copy their examples
This is the kind of strict, portion-controlled low-carb diet that the very strict test and most successful weight-loss organizations use when first getting someone's over-eating habits under control.
These diet plans allow for three high-bulk meals every day with no snacks in between meals and everything you drink counted as well. any foods or with the added sugar or flour of any kind are completely eliminated. And every meal must be written down in a food diary and carefully weighed and measured.
All soda-pop soft drinks and sodas are eliminated and so are alcoholic drinks and coffee or tea, except for the decaffeinated versions.
Fresh salads and fruits are encouraged and most meals include two measured cups of these healthy high-fiber foods, plus a weighed amount of lean meat, fish, cheese, beans or tofu as your protein.
This kind of strictness cannot be achieved by one person alone, it has to be done by accepting a more experienced person as a sponsor and being humble enough to do exactly as they tell you.
So if you have tried every diet out there only to lose a little weight at first then put all back, then join the club you're not alone. This happens to almost everyone.
For many, the answer is to join a not-for-profit fellowship such as CEA-HOW or Food Addicts In Recovery Anonymous (F.A.) which both use the 12 Steps to recovery system.
Both these fellowships are very strict, so they are not for everybody. But the methodology does work, if you're willing to let it do for you what you cannot do for yourself.
The Twelve Steps were invented and perfected by A.A. during the 1920s, and have been adopted by scores of self-help groups since that time. You can be helped by good folks who have already done the hard yards and been successful. All you have to do is go to meetings and copy their examples