Liquid Milk Thistle for Cats
- Milk thistle is touted as an unparallelled natural herbal cure for liver damage. It has an active ingredient called silmaryn, known to be an anti-oxidant superior to vitamin E. It is approved for long-term use and does not have any negative side effects. Milk thistle comes in both capsules/pills and liquid form. Most cats are not especially fond of taking pills (unlike dogs, cat treats are usually too small to accommodate "pill pockets"); the liquid form of milk thistle is usually the best option for cats.
- The biggest benefit of milk thistle is its effect on damaged livers. Milk thistle is known to repair and regenerate damaged liver cells. Further, cats undergoing therapy (chemo) can take milk thistle to combat the toxic effects of the drug. Milk thistle also combats other drug side effects, such as heartworm medicine, antibiotics and corticosteroids.
- There are no negative side effects indicated for liquid milk thistle. There are also no counter-indications known for liquid milk thistle; it can combine with any drugs, vitamin, or supplement the cat is taking. The only possible error with liquid milk thistle is to give the cat too much, which may produce an upset stomach, gas, or diarrhea; all remedied by reducing the dose.
- Supplements of milk thistle range between 50 mg and 500 mg, with a typical average of 175 mg. Typical dose for cats is half the dose for humans (200 mg per 10 pounds of weight), so approximately 100 mg per 10 pounds of cat. Many cats fall into that range; larger cats may receive a dose and half. Liquid milk thistle may be measured exactly to the milligram by dropper. It is recommended to break up the dose over the course of the day, mixing it into food three to four times per day.
- When purchasing liquid milk thistle, be sure to buy one manufactured solely for cats. Although milk thistle has many benefits to humans, it is important to procure the variety created for cat's fragile health systems. Many health food stores carry both versions; some pet stores carry the milk thistle for cats. Liquid milk thistle may also be bought online, but use caution when purchasing supplements over the Internet. The USDA does not monitor all goods sold online, so check online reviews before making a purchase, or go with a trusted vendor, perhaps one endorsed by the SPCA or Humane Society.
What is milk thistle?
Benefits to the cat
Side effects
Where to buy