Intention and Faith
I have learned the greatest lessons about giving from animals & nature.
In fact, for human beings to truly evolve into our next phase of evolution, we must re-learn how to give from our original nature.
Somewhere along the path, we forgot our connection with everything and began to believe that we are our form and that everything outside of our bodies is not us.
This fundamental error is behind most of the suffering in the world.
How this error in thinking came about is easily explained...
thinking itself, created the problem!Forms have a strong gravitational pull.
When I say forms, I also include thoughts into the equation.
Just try an experiment; look around you wherever you are...
what do you notice? If you're inside you may notice a room, chairs, lamps, table, this page, etc.
If outside...
trees, houses, cars, grass etc...
right?Now look again and take notice of the space, the nothingness around all of these objects, where does this space end?All of the objects, "forms" you sense are suspended and surrounded by space and on a subatomic level are made up of space itself.
Quantum Physics has proven to us that the space between atoms and molecules is vast and the space within the atom is just as vast.
You could compare the distance from an atomic nucleus to its' closest electron shell to that of the distance between the sun and its' surrounding planets.
That's a lot of space!Go deeper yet, and the sub-atomic particles will get smaller and smaller, disappearing into nothingness and re-appearing into form like some kind of quantum dance! So while these forms seem to divide us, the space that you're ultimately made of is the unifying non-substance that we have in common.
The same can be said about thoughts.
All thoughts are cerebral, mostly a frontal lobe process.
They also have a gravitational pull that makes us associate with them; in reality, all thoughts arise from and are suspended in a baseline of non thought.
This silent awareness, non-thought is the equivalence of the outward space that we can sense, and is our true nature.
When all forms and thoughts dissolve, we are left with the pure aware alert silent being; that we really are.
This being "our true nature" is within and without all forms and is the common and unifying demonstrator of all you sense, and its qualities are universal; it is tolerant, truthful, & compassionate.
The mother of all creations, "Love", itself! When we are associated with forms we believe that the greatest gifts we can give are other forms...
flowers, rings and things.
All of these things ultimately dissolve back into nothingness and are impermanent.
In reality, the greatest gift we can give ourselves and the "illusory others" in our lives is the gift of our presence.
When we show up as our true, authentic selves, a grateful non thinking feeling being, fully present, in the moment, it opens up the flow of our true nature and love is allowed to pour out all around us and into everything we do.
This is the greatest gift we give to the world.
Animals are masters of this! My dog Lola Shmola, has the IQ of a brick.
She has never bought me flowers or a car.
In fact the only physical present she has left for me is poop on my oriental rug.
Lola however has shared her being with me in the form of unconditional love, companionship; her antics make me laugh hysterically.
Many times while watching her play I have experienced long periods where my mind has stopped and I experienced bliss in the moment.
During these times I have felt intense gratitude because I have been given the opportunity to love her.
Humans often get this love thing all wrong! Everyone is very concerned and preoccupied with being loved.
The real gift is that we are allowed to express the love that we are at our core, unconditionally and without attachment to an outcome, just like an animal or an infant loves.
When you express your love from a state of a quiet mind like an animal or an infant does it is space itself that does the loving.
This loving space is directed towards the space in another which is essentially the same space within you.
There is only one space and ultimately only one self.
From this perspective there is no "other" all space is you, and all love is self love.
And all gifts that you give are ultimately gifts you give yourself.
In fact, for human beings to truly evolve into our next phase of evolution, we must re-learn how to give from our original nature.
Somewhere along the path, we forgot our connection with everything and began to believe that we are our form and that everything outside of our bodies is not us.
This fundamental error is behind most of the suffering in the world.
How this error in thinking came about is easily explained...
thinking itself, created the problem!Forms have a strong gravitational pull.
When I say forms, I also include thoughts into the equation.
Just try an experiment; look around you wherever you are...
what do you notice? If you're inside you may notice a room, chairs, lamps, table, this page, etc.
If outside...
trees, houses, cars, grass etc...
right?Now look again and take notice of the space, the nothingness around all of these objects, where does this space end?All of the objects, "forms" you sense are suspended and surrounded by space and on a subatomic level are made up of space itself.
Quantum Physics has proven to us that the space between atoms and molecules is vast and the space within the atom is just as vast.
You could compare the distance from an atomic nucleus to its' closest electron shell to that of the distance between the sun and its' surrounding planets.
That's a lot of space!Go deeper yet, and the sub-atomic particles will get smaller and smaller, disappearing into nothingness and re-appearing into form like some kind of quantum dance! So while these forms seem to divide us, the space that you're ultimately made of is the unifying non-substance that we have in common.
The same can be said about thoughts.
All thoughts are cerebral, mostly a frontal lobe process.
They also have a gravitational pull that makes us associate with them; in reality, all thoughts arise from and are suspended in a baseline of non thought.
This silent awareness, non-thought is the equivalence of the outward space that we can sense, and is our true nature.
When all forms and thoughts dissolve, we are left with the pure aware alert silent being; that we really are.
This being "our true nature" is within and without all forms and is the common and unifying demonstrator of all you sense, and its qualities are universal; it is tolerant, truthful, & compassionate.
The mother of all creations, "Love", itself! When we are associated with forms we believe that the greatest gifts we can give are other forms...
flowers, rings and things.
All of these things ultimately dissolve back into nothingness and are impermanent.
In reality, the greatest gift we can give ourselves and the "illusory others" in our lives is the gift of our presence.
When we show up as our true, authentic selves, a grateful non thinking feeling being, fully present, in the moment, it opens up the flow of our true nature and love is allowed to pour out all around us and into everything we do.
This is the greatest gift we give to the world.
Animals are masters of this! My dog Lola Shmola, has the IQ of a brick.
She has never bought me flowers or a car.
In fact the only physical present she has left for me is poop on my oriental rug.
Lola however has shared her being with me in the form of unconditional love, companionship; her antics make me laugh hysterically.
Many times while watching her play I have experienced long periods where my mind has stopped and I experienced bliss in the moment.
During these times I have felt intense gratitude because I have been given the opportunity to love her.
Humans often get this love thing all wrong! Everyone is very concerned and preoccupied with being loved.
The real gift is that we are allowed to express the love that we are at our core, unconditionally and without attachment to an outcome, just like an animal or an infant loves.
When you express your love from a state of a quiet mind like an animal or an infant does it is space itself that does the loving.
This loving space is directed towards the space in another which is essentially the same space within you.
There is only one space and ultimately only one self.
From this perspective there is no "other" all space is you, and all love is self love.
And all gifts that you give are ultimately gifts you give yourself.