Outdoor Rabbit Hutch - Buy It or Do It Yourself?
An outdoor rabbit hutch is essential should you elect to keep your bunny outside the home. Of course you can also put your cuddly bundle of joy inside the house using an indoor rabbit hutch, but the inside version is a little different than the outside one. In this post I will focus on the outside version and whether or not it will be more inexpensive to obtain one already built or build one yourself. In my experience, constructing one yourself may be more cost-effective depending on your scenario.
Some people have jobs that may limit them from having the time to do extra hobbies. If you fit in this category then of course investing in one is going to work more in your favor. Having said that, if you have the extra time to make one yourself, you can save quite a bit of money. And outdoor rabbit environments are relatively simple to build and do not require a lot of materials. Most bunny cages consist of a wooden frame and wiring to allow air to flow freely. Outdoor rabbit hutches are constructed to give your furry friend all the things it needs to survive while you are absent including food, water, safety, and shelter from the elements.
There are multiple designs for building your outdoor rabbit hutch. One plan I certainly do not like and won't advise using is the 'on the ground' design. Your rabbit needs and wants to feel protected and out of harms way. For this reason, the rabbit cage ought to be at least three to four feet above the ground and away from potential predators or other annoyances such as dogs or cats. Although it is factual that some dogs and cats get along great with rabbits, you must keep in mind that rabbits are part of the canine and feline food regimen and they will follow their behavioral instinct when it comes to survival.
Some things you will want to consider when building your own bunny cage is that bunnies like to hop a lot. In other words, they need exercise. Be sure to build your rabbit hutch with abundance of room. I would suggest at least 3 feet wide by 8 feet in length. And additionally, be sure to make an area for bunny to sleep such as a box at one end of the hutch. Also, be sure to place the hutch in a well shaded place out of the sun. Keep in mind to place food and water containers inside the hutch as well. Considering the fact that water freezes in the winter months, you may want to consider getting a heated water container.
I assess the cost to build your own outdoor rabbit hutch will be around $40-$60. I have shopped around for pre-made hutches and found the prices to range between $150 all the way up to $600 depending on the extras you want. As you can see, it is much more cost effective to build your own cage if you want to tackle it. All it takes is the skills to measure and use a hammer to piece together the structure in just a few easy steps.
You can find all kinds of plans for building an outdoor rabbit hutch by doing a search in Google. If you have made up your mind to purchase your rabbit cage, please keep in mind the guidelines I have written in this article when making a purchase. As a rabbit owner myself, I like to keep my bunnies in the house where I can appreciate them and have companionship with them. They can be litter trained and they make positively great pets since they are not aggressive. But if you must keep your rabbit outside, then I hope this essay helps you with building or purchasing your outdoor rabbit hutch.
Need step-by-step how to instructions? Jonathan Black, your go to source for outdoor rabbit hutch plans, breaks it down for you by making it easier than ever to do it yourself. Go to Woodworking Plans for your comprehensive and easy-to-follow instructions. Over sisteen thousand plans for your woodworking needs.
Another recommendation for Woodworking Plans for your outdoor rabbit hutch is http://woodworkingathome.jonathanblack.us where you can get plans for just about any project imaginable.
Some people have jobs that may limit them from having the time to do extra hobbies. If you fit in this category then of course investing in one is going to work more in your favor. Having said that, if you have the extra time to make one yourself, you can save quite a bit of money. And outdoor rabbit environments are relatively simple to build and do not require a lot of materials. Most bunny cages consist of a wooden frame and wiring to allow air to flow freely. Outdoor rabbit hutches are constructed to give your furry friend all the things it needs to survive while you are absent including food, water, safety, and shelter from the elements.
There are multiple designs for building your outdoor rabbit hutch. One plan I certainly do not like and won't advise using is the 'on the ground' design. Your rabbit needs and wants to feel protected and out of harms way. For this reason, the rabbit cage ought to be at least three to four feet above the ground and away from potential predators or other annoyances such as dogs or cats. Although it is factual that some dogs and cats get along great with rabbits, you must keep in mind that rabbits are part of the canine and feline food regimen and they will follow their behavioral instinct when it comes to survival.
Some things you will want to consider when building your own bunny cage is that bunnies like to hop a lot. In other words, they need exercise. Be sure to build your rabbit hutch with abundance of room. I would suggest at least 3 feet wide by 8 feet in length. And additionally, be sure to make an area for bunny to sleep such as a box at one end of the hutch. Also, be sure to place the hutch in a well shaded place out of the sun. Keep in mind to place food and water containers inside the hutch as well. Considering the fact that water freezes in the winter months, you may want to consider getting a heated water container.
I assess the cost to build your own outdoor rabbit hutch will be around $40-$60. I have shopped around for pre-made hutches and found the prices to range between $150 all the way up to $600 depending on the extras you want. As you can see, it is much more cost effective to build your own cage if you want to tackle it. All it takes is the skills to measure and use a hammer to piece together the structure in just a few easy steps.
You can find all kinds of plans for building an outdoor rabbit hutch by doing a search in Google. If you have made up your mind to purchase your rabbit cage, please keep in mind the guidelines I have written in this article when making a purchase. As a rabbit owner myself, I like to keep my bunnies in the house where I can appreciate them and have companionship with them. They can be litter trained and they make positively great pets since they are not aggressive. But if you must keep your rabbit outside, then I hope this essay helps you with building or purchasing your outdoor rabbit hutch.
Need step-by-step how to instructions? Jonathan Black, your go to source for outdoor rabbit hutch plans, breaks it down for you by making it easier than ever to do it yourself. Go to Woodworking Plans for your comprehensive and easy-to-follow instructions. Over sisteen thousand plans for your woodworking needs.
Another recommendation for Woodworking Plans for your outdoor rabbit hutch is http://woodworkingathome.jonathanblack.us where you can get plans for just about any project imaginable.