How to Get Rid of Winter Ants
- 1). Find the nest by following the trail of ants to any cracks in the walls or the ceiling. Avoid sealing off these areas until after they have been treated. The most effective way to kill ants is to concentrate your treatments as much as possible on the nest.
- 2). Use insecticidal ant spray. These sprays can be purchased from any hardware, drug or grocery store. Make certain you have proper ventilation and spray along any possible path of the ant trail, including the baseboards, cracks and holes. Concentrate the spray as much as possible on the actual ant nest if it is in a location where you are able to reach it.
- 3). Set out bait that poisons the ants. Baits that contain sugar and sugar liquids work well for certain types of winter ants, such as the pharoah—which is also known as the sugar ant—and the crazy ant. The Texas AgriLife Extension-Bexar County recommends a number of homemade baits. One combines 2 tsp. boric acid, 1/4 cup hot water and 1 cup corn syrup. The poison mixture is placed in a jar lid and left near the ant trail.
Commercial ant baits are also available for purchase from hardware and drugstores. - 4). Hire a pest control company. Some winter ants are resistant to most consumer products, making it very difficult to completely eradicate the problem. Pest control professionals have access to products that you as a consumer do not, and have the tools and training to reach nests that you may be unable to reach. Assist them as much as possible by informing them of all known nest locations.