Tax ID Number Regulations in New York State
- The New York state tax ID number for a business is the same as its Employer Identification Number, or EIN. Another name for the EIN is the Federal Tax Identification Number. The EIN is also the New York City and Yonkers identification number.
- All New York state businesses, including certain non-profits such as churches and trusts, must have an EIN. Only businesses structured as sole proprietorships, that have no employees, do not need an EIN. What those businesses will use on all their New York state business tax records is an account number, assigned to them by the state tax department. Once a sole proprietorship hires its first employee, it must apply for a federal EIN.
- An EIN can be obtained immediately online by completing an application on the Internal Revenue website, Another immediate way of obtaining an EIN is by calling the Business & Specialty Tax Line at 1-800-829-4933. Faxing or mailing a completed Form SS-4 are also options, although the time to receive your EIN is longer. Obtaining an EIN is a free IRS service.
How To Obtain One