The Average Salary of a Barber
- Barbers earned an average base salary of $19,998 to $36,305 as of September 2010, according to online career resource PayScale. Adding bonuses and commissions can bring a barber's total average annual pay range to $20,510 to $38,935.
- The annual median salaries of barbers are highly variable and do not always depend on experience. At one to four years of work they earn between $19,916 and $35,258, while at five to nine years they get $18,494 to $33,017. Veteran barbers with 10 to 19 years of experience can expect to make between $17,100 to $41,611.
- The location of the job also affects a barber's salary. For example, those working in Texas earn a median salary of between $23,798 and $52,411, while those in Michigan make $13,200 to $48,608 per year. Barbers in California earn $17,687 to $40,695 annually, while those in Georgia receive $14,521 to $25,434.