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How To Deal With A "Nutty" Father

All fathers can be at times somewhat nutty.
So what is being nutty.
The definition can be quite wide but really it means the way fathers think, speak and act can seem to be at odds with the rest of the family and their individual views.
In times gone by, and in some communities around the world even today, fathers have had the last word on most family matters from finance to which house and car to buy, and how the kids are to be brought up.
Not anymore it seems.
The winds of change have blown in and ruffled the feathers of many a family unit all over the world, and it doesn't matter what your family unit looks like.
There are many different versions of family unit, and they all can work very well.
But it is the fathers who are in my sight right now, especially those nutty ones.
You know the type of person who becomes a father.
They have spent their life telling you not to do one thing and as you have become an adult yourself, you have found that they just walked out the door and did the opposite! A good example is when he says, "Don't smoke or drink, but can you just excuse me for a couple of hours, I am just going down to the pub to meet my mates!" Some fathers are very loving while some are very violent at times.
There are many fathers who fall in between these two parameters but what many of these men have one thing in common that I like and that is they try to do their best, most of the time.
And for that they should be held in respect for what they have tried to achieve.
But let's go back to the title, "How to deal with a nutty father.
" As being nutty is a generally a subjective enquiry, than it is important to consider your feelings and how you respond to their being nutty.
Here are my three tips.
Firstly you can ask questions.
The best question if your father is showing you signs that he is about to go nutty, or is being nutty is, "What would Love do in this moment"? Love energy is positive energy, forever loving and without any fears.
There is no negative energy or bad feelings present when you ask this question.
Secondly, you can approach the nuttiness of your father from a position of gratefulness.
Turning your thoughts inward rather than focussing upon your father's nuttiness or poor behaviour is helpful.
Being grateful for everything in your life (including having a nutty father) draws you into a fantastic position of love.
Instead of being drawn into the turmoil that you have experienced before, you can choose to respond from a higher level of love energy, of positive attitude with a more clear mind.
Thirdly, when you deal with your nutty father using the above two tips and those two tips are having little impact, or not helping you than my third tip is to protect yourself.
Protect yourself from all things negative which is any negative influence whatsoever.
Listen closely to your feelings.
Your feelings are a very reliable guide.
Go with your feelings.
If you feel bad, move away both mentally and physically and protect yourself from the negative influence of the nuttiness.
It is from this point that you can live a rich life!
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