How to Make Sure Your Website Is Set Up for Opera?
- 1). Use a Web design program when coding your Web pages. When the Web first got going and design was simpler, lots of designers coded HTML by hand -- that is, manually, by typing every line of code. Programs such as Adobe's Dreamweaver do all of this automatically and then let you tweak code in a line-by-line editor. When you create a new, blank HTML document in a program like Dreamweaver, all of the basics are in place for you: the html, head, body and title tags. These are the bare minimum for any Web browser, including Opera.
- 2). Use cascading style sheets to make your pages pop. Style sheets define visual rules for your entire site or for a single page and have reduced the need for complex, object-specific HTML coding. Instead, your style sheet defines what all of your headings or links will look like, and you simply apply the style to an object instead of editing all of the properties for that object. Opera reads style sheets like every other browser. Cats Who Code, a Web developer's blog, recommends including a style-sheet reset in your code to make your sites universally friendly for all browsers.
- 3). Add Opera-specific code to your style sheet to ensure compatibility with Opera. Add the following to your CSS file:
@media all and (min-width: 0px){
.classname {}
You can add a specific name for the Opera-only styles in the brackets beside ".classname." All the follows applies only to Opera. - 4). Preview your page in Opera as you develop it to make sure things are displaying properly. They should. Again, Opera reads common code like most browsers, but if you find that one part of your CSS is causing a problem you can use the code in Step 3 to change its properties for Opera by adding your definitions before the final close bracket.